Hyacinthe L Raven

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Hyacinthe L Raven


Angsty old goth, eternal shoegazer, kitty-whisperer, builder of epic Barbie houses, elderly Billie Eilish stan, best hugger in the Midwest
I need to have this posted on the inside of my glasses. There are many things I feel too late for. And while I do have a bunch of books under my belt I always feel like I topped out and now what I do can’t ever be that level of good.
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
I wonder why Burger King can never get fries right. They’ve had multiple versions since I was as a kid and they all are just shit. No other fast food place seems to have this problem. This current version is like they finally gave up and just started buying the $2.75 bag of frozen fries from Aldi.
I mean, there’s also things I’m really REALLY good at, so it’s still worth it! 😄
Is there a pickle shortage in Cleveland? Why is my burger so naked? 😭💔
I hate moving. I hope this is the last time for a while.
Omgosh Billie’s new album! 😲🤯💙
FOR REAL. 61 was old when I was a kid. Now I realize it definitely is not.
You reach a point where a friend dies and you say: sixty-one! that so young. When you are in your twenties and struggling that point is hard to visualize - you feel like forty more years will be too much. May all who struggle today live in the hope of knowing that sixty-one is so young, so young.
I just saw The Bandit Queen of Sorrows tonight in good ol CLE and wow was that one of the best concerts I’ve seen. If she shows up in your town, go! ❤️
I’ll play too! So many perfect 80s albums but this one jumps out to me first.
Ooh, I’ll play! Name a perfect album from the 80s, if you wish. (There are several that I think of as perfect. Here’s one of them.)
Just chilling to Tool, as one does.
Just dumped ham juice all over the floor while trying to get this huge ham into the oven. AMA
She already has an Oscar at home, so even if this Barbie loss trend continues who cares but I love her and I love how much her brother loves and supports her. May we all be blessed with someone like that in our lives. 🩷
I only ever watch award shows to see the pretty red carpet dresses. But I’m so sad this weekend. So I hope Billie sings her pretty, sad song and then also wins an Oscar for it and then on Monday can finally talk about her new album so I have something good to look forward to. 🤞🏻
Please tell me that someone outside of Cleveland remembers Uncle Scratch’s Gospel Revival. Few bands put on as fun of shows as they did. Thinking about them kicking the devil in the nuts right now instead of sleeping!
I Love You So Much, But I Do Not Love You On My Counter (A genreless Choose-Your-Own-Adventure by me as I wait for my brownies to finish baking)
This cheered me up a lot. I love her and I love Barbie. That’s one of my all-time favorite outfits too. I played with it so much that I only have the coat left.
After 2 delays, cat had her appt. - 5 teeth taken, stitches, & meds. Soft food for 2 wks, must drink more H2O. She has FORL, (common cat tooth thing), must go for yearly check-ups. She was very tired, but is doing better. Donations still most welcome; will go to future treatments. gofund.me/37320b17
R.I.P. to my beautiful long nails. 😭
I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying! 🥹 I love my sewer district more than most people at this point. (Yes, call this number.) ❤️
we’re still fairly new here. so i don’t know what it will take to get you to trust me with a minute of your time to call this number. but i hope you do. 216-361-6772.
Sibling nicknames are so underrated. I was just chatting with my brother and the various different ones we still call each other continue to be brilliant. Mattachussetts is even better now at 47 than it was when I called him that at 7.
Songs from the Valley by John Vincent III is one of the most bittersweet, beautiful albums that just sounds like what autumn feels like. 🧡 I’m so grateful I was able to randomly see him perform a bunch of songs off of it last week.
An update on the #kitty #cat situation. Please share her fundraiser even if you aren't able to #help. ♥️ gofund.me/37320b17 or paypal.me/mahteddy #CatsOfBluesky
Please help me help my cat. Please check out and share her Gofundme (gofund.me/37320b17). Any amount is welcome. Donations also accepted via PayPal (paypal.me/mahteddy). #Cat #CatsOfBlueSky #Pet #gofundme #paypal #veterinarian #Help #helpmycat #helpmycatplease
I’m happy that I refuse to stan politicians because there’s at least one that I’ve supported strongly who has really lost the plot right now and I’m so disappointed, but would have been even more devastated if I was their follower.
I meant for my recent longish vacation to be a writing retreat. I’ve been disappointed in myself that that didn’t happen. But it occurred to me this morning that I finished a major update to my will during it as well as decided on a retirement plan I might be able to implement in only a few years ❤️
I just bought 4 pounds of Brussels sprouts. When I tell you that this guy with just a simple folding table at the Davis Farmer’s Market grows the greatest ones I’ve ever had in my life, I am not exaggerating. I thought I’d never taste these again. 💚😭💚