How To Blow Up A Mako Reactor

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How To Blow Up A Mako Reactor

Bad Cosplayer, Slightly Better Drinker, Ex Zoo Keeper.
Avatar half way through Cuckoo and loving it. If it was made into a tv or movie, I’m sure you’d have a bunch of talented unknowns, but any dream casting for specific roles?
I honestly need a week off to just be alone in my head, but I owe vet bills
I knew was working on Frieren but I hadn’t actually seen much progress on it. When I saw her wear it for the first time, I was so floored by how good it was that I begged to do an impromptu photo shoot near our house.
My incredibly obnoxious but incredibly hard working coworker who was our closer got stuck with a 25 top who walked in at the last minute and were demanding and rude and didn’t tip, so I stayed late to help her and she kept angry crying cause of everything and saying she had made more work for me
Between good tips, over time and training wages, I did good this week. It is now time to lull myself to sleep with Elden Ring lore videos
Had a good day at work and my stupid little mental health got better
Got offered to come back on a podcast to chat and I just have been away from any sort of internet spotlight for so long, I just don’t want to go back. My depression is really bad right now and I don’t want to even stick my toe back in something I wasn’t good at
Been crying on and off for the past 12 hours. I sometimes wish I had a tangible physical thing that was wrong with me, but I’m honestly just a neurotic little freak, and there’s no treatment for that
My days off got approved for the end of May, but I was bullied into working lunch on Mother’s Day, so the lord givith and takeith
Woke up early for a 7:45 zoom chat with my dermatologist, was told to get blood work done to get my meds approved, so I went across town to do that. Pulled Arlecchino, now trying to finish this wig.
My job is honestly fine, the most taxing part is being short staffed and the high turnover. Hahaha there are just 4 of us and only two can do their job? Hahaha ok! Cool!
The hardest part on Twitter now isn’t seeing all the bots and Nazis, it’s people I casually followed because they liked Bernie in 2016 now RTing “gender critical” posts and saying cops are good actually
happy thatcher deathiversary, I am reminded of an old post on this blessed day
Eclipse peaked here in Atlanta at 3:00 so we all went outside and looked at it and passed around some glasses and it was really nice to share in observing an Astronomical event together.
My wonderful puppy Billina is 15 years old today.
I completely owe my Roman Empire fixation on Roar to Jen introducing me to it
For Throwback Thursday: we cover one of the most wrong-headed films ever made, a production which almost cost Melanie Griffith her face and cinematographer Jan de Bont his scalp: ROAR. Animal expert joins us as well! It's FREE at our Patreon!
044 - Roar | Have You Seen This? Get more from Have You Seen This? on Patreon
We're absolute sickos for Dragon's Dogma 2:
Had a guest on the patio today who said “you were my server last time! You cut us off!” (Him and his business partner had had 6 drinks in one hour) and we all had a good laugh and I ended up chatting a bunch with him and his fiancé and other regulars kept walking by and saying hi to me.
In theory if I was able to leave my current job for the same or greater pay, I’d like to do something related to Japanese culture or education. Which would be hard as most of those jobs require you to be proficient in Japanese.
Have found a balance at work where I’m very good at my job, but I also have no attachment to the job and will leave if need be. It’s good for my mental health, and good for getting treats from management when they need my help
Was talking about with a friend about how trauma leads to a desire for escapism, which is normal and healthy, but can also be detrimental to healing/getting out of bad situations.
Autistic Representation for allistic people vs. autistic representation for people actually on the spectrum:
Chanting “student loan forgiveness for pell grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in a disadvantaged community” like it’s that “According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale” meme
frankly I wish she Brianna Wouldn't
It’s still fucking wild to me that I got fired from my job for being a dumbass, got a new job out of desperation in a field I’d never worked in my life and now I’m one of the strongest people at my place of work.
The one thing I’ve learned from any job is regardless of the pay or quality of the job, every job is gonna have difficult or crazy people. It’s just human nature. I’d love it if everyone at my job worked good as a team, but that jidt won’t Happen.
My favorite thing to do at night when I get ready for bed is play an hour long Elden Ring Lore video. It’s so soothing.
Frieren is pretty much done sans a wig and accessories. Might make the staff only cause I suck at props and need to get better
There’s a place in my neighborhood that serves expensive cocktails and okonamiyaki and I keep telling my supervisor I’m gonna apply there.