Chambraigne Socialist

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Chambraigne Socialist

Scott Benson. Artist/ Animator/ Writer/ Videogame Person. Light Night Work Club/ Night In The Woods/ Revenant Hill. Same handle on Twitter and Instagram. You can always find me at
I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
because i have to wishcast to stay sane now, the funniest possible twist is Trump dying before he names a running mate and a brokered Republican convention
Remembering how people would share Scalia dissents and be like “I disagree with his politics but he has a way with words!!” and they all read like if a school shooter wrote A Confederacy of Dunces
I keep coming back to "all this for literally Donald Trump," but it fits. There's not some more competent aspiring autocrat who'd somehow "earn" or "win" this. This is how it has always gone: feckless/evil elites attaching themselves to the sociopath they believe will get them where they want to go.
BETRAYED WOMAN: I can't believe my husband, the disgusting twitch streamer "Doo Doo Pappy", would do this to me. You should never have married the loathsome "Doo Doo Pappy" - that's what they'll all say this Sunday when we walk into church!
dragging myself kicking and screaming to do a color study today
i drew this to put on on shirts for people to wear to help them feel strong and powerful like a tiger i hope this helps
Sending a bunch of based realtors and off-duty cops into the Capitol building to murder the speaker of the house, in my official capacity of President of the United States.
it's very funny that when I've suggested things democrats can do over the last couple decades that sound a little "wacky" I am told "oh so you want to induce a constitutional crisis??" well who's the constitutional crisis now. Once again everyone shoulda listened to humble ol Gregory
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
The Supreme Court is celebrating the 4th of July by reminding us that the entire point of this country was killing millions for a tax break for a few rich people.
CBS Special Report about the SCOTUS ruling had a hard out directly into The Price Is Right intro which got me good.
July. Not really a fan. Pass. Pass on this
these are also my commission prices
Folks are up in arms about these prices
Politics aside, can we all agree these are the only acceptable jobs for an 81 year old: 1) operating a night-market food stall their son does not want to take over so it will die when they do 2) making the films of Martin Scorsese
Morally horrified? Well, have you considered processes as moral busywork
A reason people dislike liberal wonks and wonk-adjacent people is there comes a point where "this is the best these assholes are going to give us right now" turns to "well this is just reality and if you simply got more invested in the process you'd stop complaining about democrats"
Happy to report I've gotten a few bookings 🥰 I still have more time and sooooo much flash
Hey Bluesky! I just opened up tattoo bookings for September. So if you're going to be in Toronto in the next few months, and you'd like a tattoo... maybe get in touch 👀 Here's my available flash, but I'm open to custom work as well!
Nic ter Horst - Flash Book — So Far So Good Tattoo
Nic ter Horst - Flash Book — So Far So Good Tattoo
i keep making this point but it'd be amusing if not for the stakes how the institutional ideology of every major news network/paper is its not their job to inform you, the reader, what is real or not beyond the authenticity of quotes they publish
"CNN Defends Decision to Not Do a Journalism"
It was worth working the gate at the local pride so when a guy drove by and shouted "i'm PROUD to LOVE PUSSY" I could shout back "so are many people here, sir"
In these unsure moments I must be Biden's champion
I can nearly reliably sleep 7-8 hours at night now and all it takes is 10-25mg of weed capsule an hour before bedtime. Did people know this hack
When a white person shows you their gnarly sunburn this is a sacred sign of trust and camaraderie in their culture
Top 10 WORST Log Flumes EVER [42:05] NOTE: Out of respect for the memory of Timmy Johnson we will not be including The Iowa Logfreak
Getting "the zoomies" in the club. Everyone watches bemusedly as I sprint back and forth with my tongue flopping out of my mouth in the most undignified way imaginable.
I've said za in better towns than this
super hero misadventure, screenshot, trs-80 (1982)
If Shadow Of The Erdtree is too difficult for you it's not a skill issue but rather your hidden sins weighing upon your heart. Repent gamer