
Hahahahahahaha. No, meritocrat-twat, you get paid well because the people you’re working for are toxically wealthy. Do the same job for poor people, not on a yacht, you get paid dick all. They really believe inequality is down to a flat rate per hour for work done. More hard work; more money.
Reminder that meritocracy was invented (by Toby Young’s dad of all people) as a satirical idea for a dystopian book back in the 1950s, and shouldn’t be used as an actual way of justifying calcified privilege and inequality.
Actually, maybe I’m being unfair. Maybe the job is “difficult” because everyone you have to live with and hang out with has a soul like a torched hearse. Maybe that’s worth a few extra zeroes on the salary.
I think there are lots of jobs like this which aren’t technically difficult but are morally difficult, and they pay people for their complicity.
👆I feel like ethics and the building of fully working individual moral compasses are what underpin any (theoretically) successful civilization. This idea has been buried in the last seven years in the west - or maybe it was illusory all along. Greed trumps morality and principles.
The traditional colonial education system has created a lot of people who are certain of their own moral purity as they cause massive harm to humanity.
You only have to look at how historians in societies have decided Homosapiens wiped out Neanderthals violently Egyptian pyramids involved mass space Labour Without any evidence, except that’s how their society would have done it