
I appreciate a good sympathetic reading, but ultimately you will not change the people who insist that Trump is a more honest choice for progressives. that's because the whole motive there is punitive--not about the slow, often demoralizing work of activism so much as sticking it to Joe Biden.
I mention this mostly because I sometimes feel I'm going crazy on here! but truly, the impulse to somehow punish Democrats by ushering in Trump is just another way of cosplaying for the so-called revolution that will only ever exist online in quarreling leftist forums.
unfortunately, governance mostly sucks! the system of government we have in the states is constitutionally disposed to be especially sucky! most of the time, you will not feel good about making choices on election day; that's because the real work happens outside the polls.
And we live in a very big country. With 50 states plus. That means changing course is very very hard. Plus there basically weren't democracies out there when the country was founded. They couldn't copy the best out there, they were it. The founders were a bit scared of democracy themselves, they ...
I mean, let's not give the founders too much credit. They had 500 years of Magna Carta and over a lifetime of parliamentary sovereignty from the Acts of Union, and those are just from the UK.