
One of the biggest things my friends with mobility aids did for me was help me realize I don't have to prove anything to use a shower stool or a cane with a seat on it. I was in a really bad spot with my POTS, and those things have given me so much back--even if I've only had to use the cane once!
Hey you, yeah you. Use the mobility aid. You don't have to suffer to prove your worthy. Just do it. You are worthy right now.
(And it was a really good use given that I was testifying at the state legislature)
People freaked out when a friend of mine was on a game show sitting down. He didn't need to explain that he had arthritis (despite being a fairly young dude) but he did. And I kind of don't think he should've felt obligated to by twitter people
Stool canes are great. I have POTS and got one. Then my teen with a couple chronic illnesses wanted one. We get asked for the link to buy them all the time. Perfect for Pride and rallies and craft fairs and such. I tell my friends to get shower stools for literally any reason.
I'd love the link! I see a lot online but not sure about quality
The shower stools are great even on good days. No more balancing on one leg while trying to shave in the shower. Life doesn’t have to be difficult to earn the good stuff.
favorite hotel had a shower bench, it was so nice to be able to sit down and wash my feet easily in the shower.
I got a shower stool when I broke my ankle last year. It’s ugly and looks more nursing home than nice hotel, but I still use it daily, because it’s nice to sit down for that minute I need to let my zit fighting face wash sink in a bit. Acne and aching joints, the fun of middle age.
My parents have both found it SO stressful to see me using a cane at times when I've needed one. I can tell how deep the ableism runs because my mother's brother, who has been more limited with sciatica at times than I have, refuses to use one.
a cane with a seat on it omfg I need this! i got a shower bench a while ago and it has transformed showers from a 3-day-crash-inducing ordeal into something i can actually do on a good day. ppl who don’t like it can kiss my wet seated ass
Absolute game changer for my POTS. I had to go to the legislature, and I wouldn't have managed without being able to sit.
Shower stool is a miracle
I have only used the cane stool a few times, but even if I didn't use it, it allowed me to do more things because it made me less anxious about leaving the house.