Katie Scofield

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Katie Scofield


Teach Texas and Federal Government at a CC. Living with Chronic Lyme. Love to spoil my Schnauzers.
Does anyone have suggestions for podcast episodes that would be good to assign to an intro comparative politics course? #AcademicSky #Polisky
If you are one of the hundreds of thousands without power, just a reminder: The Texas Railroad Commission regulates the energy companies that refuse to responsibly manage their infrastructure. Good news! You can vote one of the incumbents out this November! www.texastribune.org/2024/07/08/h...
Beryl power outage updates: Hundreds of thousands of CenterPoint cust…www.texastribune.org The Category 1 hurricane wreaked havoc on power poles and electricity infrastructure, creating a crisis across southeastern Texas.
I know I am late to the party, but I am going to need more Jonathan Groff and Ncuti Gatwa together. Could be in season 2 of Dr. Who. Could be in the real Bridgerton (they certainly had the chemistry for it). Could be on stage in something. I'm not picky.
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“I’m just a simple umpire, calling balls and strikes as I see them, and every now and then rewriting basic rules of the game with no reason”
SCOTUS overrules Chevron, a massive blow to the ability of federal agencies to function. The familiar 6–3, with Roberts writing for the majority www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
I have huge problems with a lot of Biden's policies so I hate being in the position of defending him. However I can't think of a single crisis that has been caused by Biden's age in the last 3.5 years. This record should count for something.
I’m in Warsaw talking about the future of the European economy, so I’m late to this party. But I’ll have a blog post up soon very reluctantly making the case for Biden — the best president of my adult life — to step aside in favor of Harris.
If you have used Perusall in your courses, have you had trouble with students buying books discounted somewhere and not being able to access the readings, or have most gotten books from Perusall or the book store? Trying to decide if I want to use it next semester. #AcademicSky #Polisky
As of July 1 my health insurance from the University (in a college town) will no longer be considered in-network at the large medical corporation that controls the vast majority of doctors in said college town. I feel like I am living in a parody of America at this point.
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God this is satisfying
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
My husband is pretty good about this in general but he isn't allowed in the kitchen when I am cooking anymore, because he will see me add an ingredient (like vinegar) that he doesn't like by itself and starts getting irritated/critical. And I am like dude you don't cook go away. 🤣
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
Ugh! Article conflates pp who had #lyme & rash (were treated immediately) with pp who were left untreated for years. 2 very different patient pop. and you can't necessarily apply findings across populations. Why is the reporting on this still so sloppy? www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/202...
Advice | What the latest science says about Lyme diseasewww.washingtonpost.com Up to 25 percent of people develop long-term symptoms after infection. Here’s what to do if you’re one of them.
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Whatever a university is doing that you don't like, it's not the professors' fault. We have very little control over anything that happens outside of our classrooms. Blame a dean, provost, or president.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
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great thread on the history of academic freedom in the West ->
Many political extremists in the US and abroad mock the idea of "academic freedom." But it's actually been codified in Western institutions for centuries. It's much older than modern declarations of rights, and should hold equal legitimacy. 1/7
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I need someone to put this on a sticker or embroider it or something because it basically sums up living in my body: My body is not a wonderland, it's a fucking haunted house
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your regular reminder that Judicial Review is not anywhere written in the Constitution but "participants in an insurrection are automatically barred from holding office" is.
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Just an FYI if you are immunocompromised or over 65 CDC is still recommending COVID vax every 6 months but retail pharmacies are treating it as seasonal. I had to call 6 CVS and 2 Costcos to find unexpired Novavax. So if you need a shot better to go ASAP. #NEISvoid #chronicillness
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This is the NYT piece to read about the Columbia protest & arrests.
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“We’re leaving abortion up to the states.” The States: The Magna Carta says we can throw pregnant people off boats after we light them on fire.
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The Supreme Court "is acting as if the public must obey its dictates. It is acting as if its legitimacy is incidental to its power. It is acting as if cannot be touched or brought to heel." aggressively nodding along to @jbouie.bsky.social as per usual www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/o...
Opinion | The Supreme Court Is Playing a Dangerous Gamewww.nytimes.com The justices are betting that they can’t be held to account.
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Taking money away from the ATF and FBI reminds me of something else regarding the police. Can't put my finger on it. Defrauding? No. Defending? No. I'm close tho