Sarah Waites

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Sarah Waites

Artist and mapmaker. She/her. Commissions open!
A rare drawing not for a specific project -- just my parent's dog curled up with a book. I'm getting this made into a t-shirt to give to my mom.
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Poets! WE ARE NOW OPEN!!! 🦄😁
Please Share!! Poets! Uncanny Magazine will be open to Poetry Submissions from July 5 to July 19! Poetry Editor Betsy Aoki can't wait to see your gorgeous poems!
This card from my upcoming Kickstarter project, The Romance Writer's Oracle, is the source of my current profile picture! When I was devising the structure of the deck, I decided to focus each card on a character archetype and some associated tropes. This is essentially the cowboy card!
Sharing this again for the morning crowd. For the last year, I’ve been in the process of making a romance genre card deck. I’m now halfway done with the art and in Kickstarter pre-launch!
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I’ve been watching this project develop and honestly it could be useful for so many different creative projects! Highly suggest bookmarking this if you do any writing, game modding, etc.
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Anyway to distract myself and share a shiny with you all. The incomparable made the cover for Snow As Soft As Feathers. There’s no release dates or preorders, but hey lookit my pretty, pretty cover. 😍 (Yes, I’m aware I’m doing marketing wrong.)
A rare personal project map! I created this for my own Dungeons and Dragons campaign and have been working on it on and off since September 2023.
I've got a new map I can share! This map is for Yvette Bostic's Call of the Element series, and I got to showcase some different fairy realms that aren't in the same physical dimension, separated by swirling, colorful magic.
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COVER REVEAL DAY!! does such great work (maps only now but still fantastic. go check out her maps). I love it so much ^_^ 🌈📚 Pre-order now: Add it on Goodreads:
A map of the hidden, magical town of Axia for Melissa Erin Jackson's upcoming cozy fantasy mystery, A Mythical Case of Arson! I don't often do cartoon style animals, but I love how these turned out! They are a dragon, pegasus, and baby yeti. The dragon is my favorite.
Thank you to for writing up a post on the process of working with me to create a map! It was fascinating to see the author's perspective and wonderful to know that the questions I ask help build the world. This map is created for Alexa Piper's new release, Guiding Purpose!
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For anyone interested in actively making Worldcon and the Hugos less fucked: there's an unofficial "Business Meeting" discord chat that is hashing out proposals to unfuck WSFS and Hugo admin going forward. It's currently open to all WSFS members, but not really being publicised:
Happy Valentine's Day! I can now share a map I made in January for Clarissa Wild's special edition Kickstarter of Evil Boys, a dark romance.
Stopping by to share a map I made for Jess Belmont's fantasy romance, Midnight Dream! I love how the star and moon designed turned out.
I think I've talked vaguely about a project I've been working on? Anyway, I'm ready to say a bit more about it in public -- it's a deck of writing inspiration cards aimed at romance authors. The deck will feature various tropes and character types, and I'm aiming to make a Kickstarter this fall!
I dunno how many people outside of Texas are familiar with what's going on with the Houston school district, but it's been taken over by the state government. The Texas state government went into a blue area and replaced the elected officials with hand picked state appointees.
For drawings of buildings, I make my references using a program called Magicavoxel. It's super easy to use, plus it's free!
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They’re also being sued in three states for violating minimum wage.
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Dropping by to share two maps I created for Sutton Scott's Pentacoven Chronicles! Which witch island would you rather visit -- Macornia or Faboria?
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I’ve been in the same D&D game for 3 1/2 years and at some point early on we picked up a NPC friend who was a man cursed to be a talking crab. We were meant to find out how to break the curse. In our most recent game our DM had the crab come clean — he’d never been a man. T’was just a talking crab.
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I get asked a lot if I think I changed anything when I stood up to scholastic and I always say no. It still sucks to see that I was right.
Scholastic asks, "Do you want to opt out of 'diverse' books at your school's next book fair?" Your participation in white supremacy has never been easier, just uncheck the 'diverse' books box– poof, no problems. 🙄
Scholastic Under Fire for Allowing Schools to Opt Out of ‘Diverse Books’ for Book Scholastic has been accused of bending to right-wing pressure, making having diverse books optional for school book fairs.
It's release day for the monster romance Mail Order Minotaur by Lilith Stone! That means I can share the map I created for the series. Motham City was founded by a mothman roughly 200 years before the start of the series, when humans herded all monsters into this swampy area.
I swear someday soon there's going to be a big dramatic misunderstanding over "AI" meaning both "artificial intelligence" and the file format for Adobe Illustrator.
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The curators clearly couldn’t restrain themselves from exhibiting a couple tangentially related gorgeous gowns — these two stunners were designed by the House of Worth and belonged to the subject of a nearby portrait, Sarah Choate Sears, who was painted wearing a much simpler dress.
An older art share today -- a map and cover for Lila Gwynn's The Orc and Her Bride! The cover started life as a premade, which then inspired Lila to write a f/f orc princess romance. She then hired me to make the map! 🌈🚀💫 #art #romancebooks #queerAdultSFF #artcommissions 💙📚 🌈📚
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