Adri Joy

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Adri Joy

(She/her) Co-editor and critic at Hugo and Ignyte winning SFF fanzine NERDS OF A FEATHER, FLOCK TOGETHER. Dog person, ocean enjoyer, I like being elsewhere.
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OK. Real talk time UK peeps. It's been a few days. I think we can assume the post-election hangovers have ended for the new government. So NOW is the time to be writing to your MP asking them to be progressive about Trans rights. 1/x
It's past time for SEVERAL publications on the Hugo ballot to have won a Best Semiprozine award, but I think it's ESPECIALLY egregious that Strange Horizons has gone so many years without taking one home. Please consider them!
This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
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- We operate a flat, anarchic structure, with autonomous departments deciding what and how to publish. Thank you everyone once again for your support over the years!
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- We have been the "first sale" for many writers over the years. A fact we are continually proud of. - Our globally diverse editorial board comes from more than seven countries in four different continents in over 30 cities.
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We publish 5 special issues a year! Lately, we have published specials on Palestinian SF, music in SF, South-East Asian SF, Nigerian SF, Wuxia and Caribbean SF. There is still a special issue on Japanese SF to come this year and next year, our special issues on Afro-Surrealist SF and Ageing and SFF!
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This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
The artist: The art:
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As August closes in, it seems like a good time to reshare my Worldcon 2024 Survival Guide. Conning on a budget and looking for where to buy groceries, get a hot meal, or take a walk away from the convention centre? I've got you covered.
WorldCon 2024 Survival A guide for Worldcon Glasgow 2024 attendees, including directions to nearby groceries, pharmacies, and food options.
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Ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem *Taps mic* This year's Ignytes shortlist will be announced July 22. As you were.
George R R Martin getting upset for several hundred words that he's not on Worldcon programming... because he refused to fill in the programme participant form like everyone else...
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This is also why it's so important to live your life not online all the time. There's a certain amount of performance to personality in online social spaces where one may feel compelled to love or loathe or opine or Take Positions because that's how one Engages a platform. But what if you...didn't?
If you are not ready to give up the work of someone who did bad things You can enjoy it without talking about it You know that right Just keep it to yourself and stop seeking validation for it
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Oh hey y’all guess what I have a new book coming out in March 2025 & you can pre-order it if you want! You can do so from anywhere, I recommend your local indie, but meanwhile here’s Macmillan’s link
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I'm thinking of offering a free necklace to any #HugoAwards nominee going to #Worldcon - would there be any interest? Examples of my work:
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I have no faith in this coming to pass, but Tory ex-MPs should be completely rejected from light entertainment/reality shows, etc. No Strictly. No Jungle. No rehabilitation. None. They won't see real consequences for the death and suffering they've caused, so this should be the bare minimum.
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I don't want to see former Tory MPs on Strictly, in the Jungle, playing Traitors, hosting panel shows, or making travelogues or documentaries. I never want to see their smug, shiny faces again. I want them all to fuck permanently off.
Too many people on the feed celebrating UK election results before we've had the exit polls... have we learned nothing in the last 15 years?
Tried to give blood today but they missed the vein 😭 Which means going back next week and answering all the "where have you been since your last donation" questions again. But also more mini cheddars so. Swings and roundabouts.
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For just one more day, my frothy Regency fantasy rom-com Scales & Sensibility is a Kindle Monthly Deal in the US and Canada! (And it's still available in all other stores/other countries at its perfectly fine ordinary price.) Snap it up here:
I want it on public record that every communication I've had to date with (especially finalist liaison, also programmes) has been super transparent, constructive and helpful, and I really appreciate everyone involved. It's not always like this, but this way is better.
I picked up Dave the Diver last night and have been in emotional turmoil ever since. Indiscriminate marine slaughter? Fine. Inaccurate, stereotype -reinforcing depiction of shark aggression? If you must. BUT WHY IS THIS PROFESSIONAL DIVER DOING BREASTSTROKE ARMS UNDERWATER?
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The Empire has a new and terrible weapon.
Avatar you were absolutely right about WALKING PRACTICE hitting the mark on body shifting alien cannibalism. What a book.
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Folks if you've been itching for a Dragon Age replay as we wait for a Veilguard release date, all three games' complete editions (Origins, DAII, and Inquisition) can be had for a TOTAL of £10 on Steam right now.
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I built a Star Wars BD-1 Lego!
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Please engage with the work done by Writers Against the War on Gaza, by Book Workers for a Free Palestine, and by the Gaza Poets Society. If you haven’t already, please seek out these groups and others like them. They are where the bloodied heart of literature is in this hour, and they need you.
I haven't finished Jedi: Survivor yet so I can't pass final judgement, but WOW did the Best Game or Interactive Experience Hugo ballot come out of the gates with an extraordinary ballot. Great storytelling across the board, I have no idea how this is going to fall out on my ballot.
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Review: Atlas J. Lo swings and misses with her new sci-fi mecha warrior/AI threat romp, but it's comforting to know she's interested in making non-IP movies says Haley of Review at the NOAF blog:
Review: J. Lo swings and misses with her new sci-fi mecha warrior/AI threat romp, but it's comforting to know she's interested in making non...
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IT'S COVER REVEAL DAY!! Behold THE NIGHTWARD (click to expand)! A coup steals her throne. It will take more than magic to make her Queen. The Nightward opens Oct 15! Pre-orders are up everywhere.
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The amazing Charlie Jane Anders has been most generous to THE TEN PERCENT THIEF, including it in some fine company in her latest newsletter, which examines the myth of meritocracy. Thank you for your super kind words,!
We love to believe in meritocracy, because it feels comforting to think the world is fair and talent/dedication are rewarded. But three recent science fiction stories do a wonderful job of exploring the wishful thinking behind this idea. My newsletter:
Three Science Fiction Stories That Reveal the Truth About Meritocracy is our modern religion. It's a just-so story for the just-world fallacy. We want to believe that wealthy, powerful people deserve all the power...