
Hey yo you know where I live can you please confirm it's no where near the silicon valley lol wothout saying where i live please and ty. I also do not want you to get dragged into this and you're wecome to not respond at all.
I have never worked for the silicon valley and i never will. I have been blacklisted in tech so I struggle to find a job worth my time mostly. Like I genuinely feel sorry for you bree making this argument because it's so far from the truth
Why did they blacklist you?
can confirm you definitely live somewhere on the greater Asian supercontinent!
Ty and many apologies for bringing you here at all. please wholly ignore everything now 🙏
Not sure what this is about and pretty sure there’s a long background to it, but please be safe. You don’t owe anyone any explanation, especially personal info. I hope you aren’t being asked about this here cause that’s just creepy
Yeah but now that the claim has been made it has to be put to rest utterly and completely.
This is foolishness, obviously you don’t live in CA or work in Silicon Valley. Can confirm.
i can also vouch for iman not having a six figure silicon valley job or living anywhere near the west coast, what is this foolishness
❤️ Lol ty but I haven't told you anything about myself but some do know and I will go get my bestie back on this site if I have to, to settle this.