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From the river to the sea Palestine will be Free! #BlackLivesMatter. ✡️ antizionist.

Zionist hate account.

Iman stan
This is such a weird take. I can 100% confirm Iman does not live in CA, and does not work in Silicon Valley. Such brain rot to think that because someone works on the internet that they are a rich Bay Area person.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
I don’t want to cancel anyone, I want people to stop repeating and defending saying hasbara. Popular Posters and Co. don’t gotta get all liberal about how we defend our people when we defended our people by saying “here is the post where you were supporting and defending hasbara.”
Reposted byAvatar Danish
IDF spokesman now admits there is NO evidence of hostages being held at Nasser hospital This comes after the IDF bombed, besieged, forcibly evacuated & stormed that hospital (the biggest in Southern Gaza) & put it out of service, claiming falsely hostages' bodies were inside. x.com/muhammadsheh...
They forced the medical staff to leave their patients behind just as they left five babies in incubators to die slowly. I have fewer words everyday to describe this level of barbarity. x.com/MSF/status/1...
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Feine and their clique shouldn't spread fake news by the idf to manufacture consent for genocide. You guys already did this in Iraq and Libya. I have friends in Palestine so I'm angry because I want them to live. I don't know what else to say here like you folks are ghouls in human clothing.
Trek’s obsession with Faine is disturbing, but this phrase stands out to me; “the emotional high and validation of being angry about Rafa and Gaza” The “high and validation of being angry” I’m gonna say it, some of them are glad Gaza is under assault so they have corpses to stand on and yell
Reposted byAvatar Danish
The only thing I’m surprised about for this current round of discourse is how it took “allies” 4 months to openly tell us they are tired of hearing about Palestinians again instead of less than a month like normal.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Well nobody who's met a Black American or heard of the fact that people descended from Africans have existed in the US for centuries should be saying the US has no culture first of all.
Yep When Brits say the US and Australia have no culture, it’s a racist statement of colonial genocide
Reposted byAvatar Danish
classic weakly regulated capitalism will kill us all headline
Reposted byAvatar Danish
I don’t trust Sisi as far as I could throw him.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
They bombed the ambulance. The whole world could hear that little girl place that phone emergency call. And the IOF bombed the Red Crescent ambulance with two men brave enough to try to reach her.
They bombed the ambulance workers that were trying to save that little girl 😭
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Black people are down sickeningly bad. The violence of antiblackness is ubiquitous. So if anybody nonblack has a problem with Black History Month being a time for Blackness to be celebrated they can talk to deez nuts.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
I genuinely would love to know how anyone can support the liberation of the oppressed Palestinians and simultaneously support the literal military forces genociding the same Palestinians and expect to be taken seriously. Like are these guys run by the Joker? x.com/imanisthere/...
Reposted byAvatar Danish
This piece done by Heba Zagut, a mother who died along side her three kids in Gaza and is one of the artist’s few remaining pieces now displayed in Ramallah. The museum runner says ‘the piece is not for sale, some pieces are priceless, beyond being in a private collection. It’s a national treasure.’
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Palestinians warn these artworks might be the only surviving artworks from Gaza.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
“There is a moral imperative for anyone in a position of influence to take a stand against Israel’s mass killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza...” “Our lives are not disposable.”
Palestinian-American student Kinnan Abdalhamid was on a walk with his childhood friends, Tahseen Ali Ahmad and Hisham Awartani, wearing kuffiyehs when they were shot at in Nov '23 in VT. Hisham is now paralyzed from the waist down. Kinnan writes @teenvogue.bsky.social to call for a ceasefire.
I'm One of the Palestinian Students Shot in Vermont. A Ceasefire in Gaza is the Route to Healing.www.teenvogue.com "There is a moral imperative for anyone in a position of influence to take a stand against Israel’s mass killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza."
Reposted byAvatar Danish
I fucking hate audible exclusive audiobooks because it keeps them out of the library system which is totally not cool, but that shit gets me to spend money on genre fiction like Gilded Blood Series, Pax Galactica series etc. You gotta hate the IP and publishing system, not artists eating well.
As an aside, Audible (my audiobook publisher) did a TV ad for my latest book, and the sales of that book have been extremely solid, and not just in audio. That shit works.
This is political go time. Free Marwan Barghouti
Hamas has stated any deal must include the release of Marwan Barghouti, a Fatah leader serving 5 life sentences for his role in the 2nd intifada, and Ahmad Saadat, head of the PLFP, serving 30 yrs for his alleged role in the assassination of Rehavam Ze'evi www.middleeasteye.net/live-blog/li...
Hamas official says Gaza deal must include release of Marwan Barghoutiwww.middleeasteye.net
Reposted byAvatar Danish
River... orange, myrtle, fig, juniper, poppy, jujube, apricot, pistachio, carob, hyacinth, crocus, honeysuckle, walnut, fennel, almond, pear, lotus, olive, date, mango, banana, pomegranate, avocado, guava, tamarisk, eucalyptus ...Sea River. Sea. (And everything in between.)
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Not to be too hasty, but you start to get the sense after seven years of increasingly reactionary editorial choices that maybe you're not witnessing a concatenation of hundreds of incredible coincidences.
publishing this on the first day of Black History Month is so fucked up lol
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Stop doing apologia for a genocidal, depraved society. It makes you an absolutely terrible person and a shonde Jew.
When you think about it, it’s actually kind of bizarre that a group whose message is “make life unpleasant for Israelis until they end apartheid against Palestinians” decided to boycott a group who frequently makes the point that apartheid should end because it makes life unpleasant for everyone.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Settlers have once again stormed Al Aqsa under the pretense of “prayer”, but once again used the daily occurrence to harass Palestinians. Al Aqsa is still restricted to Palestinians and has been since Ramadan 2023. english.wafa.ps/Pages/Detail...
Reposted byAvatar Danish
When Selena (Quintanilla) was murdered, I had a sobbing 8 year old on the other end of a phone line over that, and had to listen to girls in my 8th grade class plotting Yolanda Saldivar's murder. Swifties have no sense of history.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Do Palestinians have the same right? Can they infiltrate Israeli hospitals and assassinate those that have committed war crimes? I'm guessing the answer is no. The double standards are unreal.
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Biden dug his own grave, he got asked "do you hold iran responsible for the death of three americans" and he said "i do hold them responsible because they supplied weapons that did it" Well now well now well now! Guess you admitted to responsibility for the genocide of Palestinians, Butcher Biden
Reposted byAvatar Danish
“Here’s how it affects the things you buy, you good little piggies”
Reposted byAvatar Danish
from the wretched of the earth -frantz fanon
Reposted byAvatar Danish
I know, right? This Pic went viral on Twitter last year with the caption "The Jews took this from you." And here I am now like, "we tried taking it from you, we tried giving it back, what the fuck do you people want from us!"
Reposted byAvatar Danish
Nancy Pelosi is accusing pro-ceasefire Americans of being Russian assets, a position 80% of her party embraces. Meanwhile the U.S. is defunding aid to starving Palestinians on information obtained through torture by a genocidal apartheid state. No one is buying any of it.