
We'll soon see who stands on their principles and who remains silent and complicit. Allegedly, this has been an open secret for years. Which of his peers will now speak out?
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
I feel so bad for those women. It sucks; he was one of my favorite authors. For better or worse, though, at this point I've had more than enough experience washing my hands of other creators for being abusive or otherwise shitty that it won't be too hard to do the same now.
Orson Scott Card was cancelled so I could be ready to cancel Neil Gaiman it's fine
It's like these people don't even read books Hemingway was a huge piece of shit
"You have to separate the art from the artist." 1. No I don't 2. That's not actually possible in any meaningful way.
You get to have whatever relationship you want with it and you can't dictate other people's that's art bby