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Firmly in the good morning cluster

Irish & Sudanese
Reposted byAvatar Mir
Neil Gaiman's claim that one of the alleged victims "was suffering from a condition associated with false memories" is gaslighting at its worst. He is weaponizing mental health to avoid accountability while also exacerbating the trauma that HE ORIGINALLY INFLICTED. It is so nefarious and insidious.
Reposted byAvatar Mir
Neil Gaiman, *63yo, insists that his sexual relationship with his live-in nanny,*23, which started on her first night at his home, was consensual. It’s not the 80’s sir. The power imbalance & her dependency on you for employment & housing, make this at a minimum coercive & far from consensual.
Idgaf who you are. If you’re an abuser of femmes I will call you out and LOUD. Influential, incel or a friend. No mercy.
Nothing's more dangerous than a predator pretending to be a hero. It gives them the perfect cover to prey on others and hide in plain sight..
Very happy to do it again.
Reposted byAvatar Mir
Disappointed. Business Insider of all things has a timeline on the accusations against Gaiman. www.businessinsider.com/the-sandman-...
Neil Gaiman, *63yo, insists that his sexual relationship with his live-in nanny,*23, which started on her first night at his home, was consensual. It’s not the 80’s sir. The power imbalance & her dependency on you for employment & housing, make this at a minimum coercive & far from consensual.
The best thing Britain ever did was John Oliver.
Reposted byAvatar Mir
Time for bluesky to have a reckoning will you give Neil Gaiman the same treatment as Fallon? Jack Dorsey? Any elder that was outted as a sex pest and abuser?
Y’all better be clowning so hard on @neilhimself.neilgaiman.com that he deactivates. The rules have to apply across the board for all men. Influential or incel. If you abuse femmes there are consequences. It’s 2024.
Y’all I’ve been saying “pedal stool” my entire life and as of five minutes ago I learned it’s a “pedestal”. Like why did no one ever correct me lmfao
Reposted byAvatar Mir
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young womenwww.telegraph.co.uk The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
Reposted byAvatar Mir
Sadly expected this. Couldn't believe how many people started with "let's wait to see what really happened" yesterday, whereas if it was a post about Trump doing that stuff it would've been "of course he did it! Get him!"
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young womenwww.telegraph.co.uk The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
Also no you may not touch it with your grubby hands….
People being more outraged at the podcast that exposed Gaiman's SA allegations than at Neil Gaiman himself is peak online syndrome
Reposted byAvatar Mir
This was in 2022. Neil Gaiman was 60 and the live in nanny was 20. He assaulted her on the first night she arrived.
Neil Gaiman's claim that one of the alleged victims "was suffering from a condition associated with false memories" is gaslighting at its worst. He is weaponizing mental health to avoid accountability while also exacerbating the trauma that HE ORIGINALLY INFLICTED. It is so nefarious and insidious.
Today is a tough day for many Neil Gaiman fans. Waking up to the serious SA accusations against someone whose work has meant so much to people is going to be deeply unsettling and heartbreaking. It's okay to feel a mix of emotions—shock, disappointment, even betrayal. It’s a grieving process.
Reposted byAvatar Mir
I see the connection between Gaiman willfully spreading Covid (knowing he was infectious while going maskless back in December) and his being a (alleged) rapist. Even if you don't. Go several months back in my posting history. I have always been disgusted by people fawning over him.
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young womenwww.telegraph.co.uk The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
This was in 2022. Neil Gaiman was 60 and the live in nanny was 20. He assaulted her on the first night she arrived.
Reposted byAvatar Mir
This looks very bad to me. "Had established consent" (by directly asking?) is a sensible standard in many situations, but not with 1) An employee 2) In his house 3) Just after meeting her. Completely ignores power in the situation, and the ability to coerce. Very bad indeed.
Just taking a moments break from rage posting about Neil Gaiman to say fuck the tories and labour.
Enough is enough. To the men who think they can get away with this vile behavior: it’s over. You’re not just disgusting, you’re a blight on humanity. You’ve taken advantage of your position, thinking it grants you immunity– it doesn’t. Your actions are despicable, and they won’t go unchallenged.
“The Sandman did such an excellent job of portraying how someone who sees himself as "a good guy" will still resort to sexual violence and be able to rationalize it. And why he's not actually a "good guy" at all.” We now know why he was able to portray that so damn well.
Time for bluesky to have a reckoning will you give Neil Gaiman the same treatment as Fallon? Jack Dorsey? Any elder that was outted as a sex pest and abuser?
Neil Gaiman, *63yo, insists that his sexual relationship with his live-in nanny,*23, which started on her first night at his home, was consensual. It’s not the 80’s sir. The power imbalance & her dependency on you for employment & housing, make this at a minimum coercive & far from consensual.
We'll soon see who stands on their principles and who remains silent and complicit. Allegedly, this has been an open secret for years. Which of his peers will now speak out?
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young womenwww.telegraph.co.uk The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young womenwww.telegraph.co.uk The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
Reposted byAvatar Mir
Self-care is essential, but what about those times when you're so emotionally distressed that even self-care feels impossible? That's when you need to turn to: ✨self-soothing✨ Self-soothing isn't a reward or a treat, it's a necessity to be able to continue on your day effectively.
Reposted byAvatar Mir
"she can block" actually we can all block, check this out
Reposted byAvatar Mir
the guys on here who are like “lol you can block me if you don’t want me to harass you” are probably, ummm, really dangerous to femmes in real life!
Statistically we’re better than twitter. Science says so.
There was an even bigger difference in the comments received. All on Threads and all but one here were positive, constructive, or neutral (one person was just being a jerk, not a troll). Only 18% on X were positive or neutral. The rest were negative, many highly so.