
Avatar It’s somewhat heartening to see Paul Ryan et al saying they won’t vote for Trump. But how many ‘old school’ Republicans do you think this will resonate with? MAGA twitter is writing them off as has beens, but is there still a sizable block of voters this matters to? Thanks!
This election will be decided by inches, so yes, it could matter, but the bigger problem is that millions of people have literally lost contact with reality, like this 77 year old lady in Nevada, which is the scariest thing today:
Yeah, the whole paragraph about all the weird shit she believes is happening and will happen if Trumps win is something. Trumps gonna get all the gold and there’s gonna be free electricity, no taxes, and rainbows and unicorns for everyone.
My MIL, who is in this age group, is convinced Antifa is sending busloads of college kids across the country this summer to destroy the property of MAGA supporters. She's based this on what she has heard about the campus protests. "The violence is out of control."
Rainbows and unicorns = AK-47's BIPOC-mauling pitbulls.