
Yes, Biden should have stuck to his promise of being a one term president but every time someone mentioned that in the last four years we were told we hated democracy but I feel like halfway down the drop at Splash Mountain is the wrong time to make that argument, NYT editorial board.
Pet peeve of mine, I’m sorry, but Joe Biden never said he would be a one-term president. You will not find that quote anywhere. His awful campaign staff basically Inception’d that into ours brains by talking about it with press, who reported it as if it was real. It was a disgusting trick.
He did not say it explicitly but his staff floated it and he spoke around it at rallies, like this quote.
Yep. Imo, this further confirms that it was a deliberate trick. Combining his staff getting the press to say it with these quotes that are CLEARLY referencing the same idea without ever actually saying it seems like a very carefully crafted way of making us all think that he committed to it.
I don’t know the future of the Democratic Party was adequately groomed for their leadership roles. This was an issue with Obama and repeated under Biden. Were they expecting the demographic shift to do all the work? Well, here we are.
Yes so basically he lied during the primary and should have been held to that lie
Yep. That’s the distinction I was trying to make. There were no minds or circumstances changed; it was always a lie, and one that only makes sense if they understand how bad of an idea it would be for him to run in this cycle. He and his campaign are scum.
Yeah I have people arguing “he never said that” and no he did not but he and his team did put that out there to assuage concerns about a 77 year old man running for president.
Here was CNN's reporting at the time about the "bridge" speech with the potential VP candidates: "[H]e and his aides have declined to address whether, if elected, he would run for a second term in 2024. He has said only that he would not run again if he were in poor health."
Biden says he’s a ‘bridge’ to new ‘generation of leaders’ while campaigning with Harris, Booker, Whitmer | CNN Former Vice President Joe Biden called himself a “bridge” to future Democratic leaders Monday night as he campaigned with Sen. Kamala Harris of California, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Michigan ...
Fascinating how "Biden promised to be a one-term president" isn't considered a lie despite him never making that promise, but a quote of him saying he views himself as a bridge between past and future Democratic leaders means he lied...somehow.
Oh so we’re just supposed to trust contemporaneous records rather than our own memories?