
I got a few good responses yesterday (thank you!); reposting today in case anyone else wants to tell me a story about a very pair-bonded bird. 🧪
For my book: I'm seeking examples of a bird that had a striking reaction to losing its partner. Could be historical, from scientific literature, or personal experience. Or other impressive illustrations of pair bonding. Tell me a bird story?? 🧪
I once saw the aftermath of a female duck that had been struck and killed by a car. Her male parter stood by her body, chasing off anyone that tried to approach. It was years ago but that incident still saddens me. I know that ducks are only seasonally monogamous, but still it was heartbreaking
Maybe this isn't quite what you're looking for, but historical lore tells the story that Incas the last Carolina parakeet (endling) died of a broken hearth on 21 Feb 1918 after his companion of decades, Lady Jane, died the summer before. It's like Tristan and Isolde but with birds.
This is in the right vein!...I also just read that those two birds spent decades making eggs and then pushing them out of the nest, omg
Yes! And at the risk of being super gauche, I wrote about them for my Endlings book. (OA version here: Can't wait to read more about your book project!!
I sure hope it's not super gauche to talk about your own book because I'm planning to do a lot of it!
Hahahahahahahahaha. Perfect.