
Dell gave employees an ultimatum to return to office some of the week or accept they were never eligible for a promotion ever again. Half the employees shrugged and stayed remote.
Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.
My neighbor has been ordered back to the office after four years, and on the day of the deadline he's just going to stay home and work and see what they do. He's got two decades in, so the severance will give him lots of time to find a new job if they try to call his "bluff". (it's not a bluff)
Avatar aren't entitled to severance if you get fired for insubordination. Your neighbor MIGHT wanna rethink their plans.
Two decades is a *lot* of institutional knowledge. I'm guessing that he represents a bus-factor of 1.
I learned a new term today! Thank you! Also, LOL! LMAO, even.
I had to look it up too. And he is definitely a bus factor of 1.
Ah. He's a COBOL/FORTRAN programmer, LOL! Let us know how it goes!
After 4 years of WFH, a change in venue could be considered a "material change" to the terms of employment. A unilateral decision to change the job without any offer or consideration could be considered "constructive dismissal" if they fire you for refusing.
Oooh, good point. He's had other coworkers resign already because they can't do the commute. Something to relay to them.
Maybe not where you are, but he's in the clear here.
Ahh, someplace OTHER than the uber-capitalist employment Hell, known as the USA.