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Was @DVilliers on the 🐦 app
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
I am really bad at shell scripting. #linuxConfessions
Thank fuck for that - my pharmacy has estrogen patches in. - might be worth checking around if you haven't been able to find some already.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
I really really love and appreciate these explains how the internet works threads.
well, sleep has failed but at least admitting it failed and getting up allowed me to discover that cohost has, alas, discovered the thing that everyone was telling them months ago, namely "your payment processor isn't going to let you do that, federal banking regulations prohibit it"
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
Are you familiar with the articles by RNZ investigative reporter Phil Pennington? 📰📻 He's an absolute taonga! 💎 Scary stories but important to know, on failings by government agencies, and surveillance of people in Aoteaora, and technology moves. 🕵️👨‍💻📱📶📹💻 #nzpol
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
I don't want a fucking tax cut, I want a functional health system. #nzpol
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
I wrote about David Seymour's pet charter school project in The Post. Sets out the evidence that charter schools just don't work; any benefits they provide (higher pay, better pastoral care) can and should be delivered through the public system.
I didn't see the aurora, but I did run into an old friend down on the south coast, so that was nice.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
Since writing this article, I have received messages from angry men, calling me names, telling I’m wrong, & that I’d be begging a man to save me if I was lost in the woods. To recap, there are men are sending me abusive emails to prove they are the safe choice. So far, no bears have written in.
This is how I roll the heads Roll the heads Roll the heads This is how I roll the heads All on a Wednesday lunch-time. #nzpol
So, yeah, this is why I run a Linux box for work.
What if we refused to accept ‘Internet ecosystem’ as just another BS marketing term? And instead treated the internet as what it is; a deeply damaged and suffering monoculture that needs radical care. And what if we rewilded the absolute fuck out of it?!
We Need To Rewild The Internet  | The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
“They crawled inside, and now I have a giant incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. One of them is snoring.”
Everyone needs to know about the splendor of Dogs in Elk, an iconic early Internet story about, well, dogs in a dead elk:
Dogs in
Dogs in
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
Sean Plunket, Bob "The Bobster" McCoskrie, Ani, Charlotte Paul, and others are trying to flood the zone with misinformation based on badly crafted research about puberty blockers. The best (in fact only way) to fight back is by platforming the correct info - here is some good info on blockers.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
"You buy a microwave and receive ads for microwaves. You buy a mattress and receive ads for mattresses." My favourite one of these is when you follow a team, so the algo sends you promos about *other* teams in the competition. Anyway, you should read this piece👇
Heat Death of the Internet - takahē You want to order from a local restaurant, but you need to download a third-party delivery app, even though you plan to pick it up yourself. The prices and menu on the app are different to what you sa...
ISTR something about the idea of a sunset clause on all legislation passed under urgency, where it had to go through the full cabinet process to be made permanent or it had an end date. Anybody know the pros/cons of this idea? Is this a policy to ask for in the next government? #nzpol
Cat coat colours: Traditional: Tortie Calico Tux Modern: Void Cow Standard Issue Orange
New idea for an international sporting event: The High Wealth Public Tanty. Score points for - tone deafness of arguments - net worth - amount of public funds cadged - number of media reports garnered - number of politicians coming out for or against Decision ultimately made in a court of law.
I'd love to know who thought it would be a great idea for Seymour to visit Freyberg High School. #nzpol
Having one of those past-me was good to current-me days. Good documentation is occasionally worth it.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
please RT: the ERO has released a damning report into my old school, bethlehem college - and has found it to be utterly failing its LGBTQI+ students (the school also appears to have kicked & screamed throughout the process):
So I googled to see if this ... person had achieved anything of note for the good people of Invercargill, and boy do I feel sorry for all of the decent and usually more accomplished Barry Stewarts of Southland.
‘I’m going to object every time’: Invercargill councillor rejects use of te An Invercargill city councillor publicly derided the use of te reo Māori in names after a misunderstanding.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
RT only if you are NOT becoming more conservative as you grow older.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
Reposted byAvatar Sarah
Hey baby, Godwin's Second Law just dropped.