
This is not remotely hyperbole.
Rejecting immigration is a policy of national suicide and should be treated as such
Even the most bloodless, economics-obsessed view of the world unhesitatingly confirms this. Hermit nations rot in every sense.
People aren't trying to get into North Korea, after all.
You would think that the fact that it’s an unalloyed economic win combined with the fact that it’s an explicit imperative of the majority religion would make this a no brainer and fucking yet.
but I thought that was what made nordic countries so strong and progressive and perfect and utopian!!!!!! 🤪
I don't understand why I can't just adopt people who wish to immigrate if my personal religion says that anyone who steps into a river and professes that I'm Christ becomes bound by Water to my Family, a member of my Kirk forever.
Utopia is the Kirk of the Crocus.
I know this is far from the broader picture on the immigration issue, but I always wonder how the fuck the MAGA crowd thinks the American farm industry is going to survive without migrant workers.
I wish the Dems were truly the open borders party the GOP says they are.
Me too! Where's the representation for "simplify the immigration system, make it faster and give almost everyone residency & work papers"?
You're exactly right. But sometimes you have no choice but to let the idiot shoot themselves in the foot. "Plan B" is to find a way to prevent them from shooting YOUR foot too. 🤷‍♂️ Just sayin'
Make kids & poor seniors work - problem solved!
That’s a little harsh. As would say it’s like a society drinking bleach, you may not die but probably….