
Between now and November, I suspect that this account will become a mix of FUCKING KICK OUT THE GOP type political posts, being horny on main about fictional characters, and occasional updates from the novel mines. So mostly the same but with more slutty liberal chick rants.
Like, I am not good at persuading people, especially anyone who was asshole enough to not be voting Democrat in the first place (I'd say third-party in places like MA, but at this point it seems like your choices are RFK and Jill Stein, and WTF even), because my strategy is...
...grabbing people by the lapels and shrieking "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ARE YOU A BIGOT OR DID YOU GET KICKED IN THE HEAD BY A LLAMA OR WHAAAAAT?" and this is not the most effective tactic. So I figure the best I can do is present information...
...that those of you with higher Diplomacy skill checks can drop into conversation, like oh, hey, Uncle Bob, but did you know that Trump is named and detailed in a CSA case, or that the NYT editor is a fourth-generation nepo baby who had an entire three years on another job...
(and also went to my school, GOD DAMMIT, I was doing so well feeling superior to the Yalies) and is mostly pissed because Biden isn't catering to his daddy issues, or that the economy has improved under the current administration, or that Thomas took bribes from a Nazi?
Go with God, those of you who can refrain from throwing entire baked potatoes at your dipshit relatives long enough to try convincing them. I admire your abilities even as I cannot hope to match you.