Isabel Cooper

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Isabel Cooper

Author of paranormal romance and romantic fantasy. Roleplayer. Occult dabbler. Feminist. She/her, pro-LGBTQIA+, pro-abortion, pro-sex, "work ethic" is a fake idea.

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We can all see it, I’m not sure what the point of pretending otherwise is. The sooner we can discuss how to deal with the declining mental abilities of the New York Times editorial board the sooner we can right the ship.
edit: apparently sulz denies this, which raises serious questions about his cognitive ability.
Reposted byAvatar Isabel Cooper
edit: apparently sulz denies this, which raises serious questions about his cognitive ability.
Doesn't surprise me: fellow alumni have reportedly said that Sulzy "had a death in the family" for two weeks after the mayonnaise incident was discovered.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
A thing about dating people from other countries is sometimes you're having a perfectly normal conversation and then you have to explain the Air Bud franchise.
I'm alternating between phone and Switch while my parents watch a WWII documentary, and I feel like we've achieved some kind of platonic generational ideal here.
Podcast asks why people in "haunted" house stories don't just leave, and on the one hand, valid, but on the, I spent 15 years renting in Boston. If the blood coming from the walls vanishes on its own and utilities are included, I'll roll with it.
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Less relevant to world affairs: is there a generally accepted way to ask someone on a “dating” app if they still have the hideous facial hair they’re sporting in one of their photos?
Reposted byAvatar Isabel Cooper
this is wayyy under-discussed
Thanks largely to Biden and the Democratic party there is now a kind of global race to get to the mass, chear carbon-free energy. We're going to hit peak global emissions (fingers crossed) this year or next. We're deploying solar at a level that blowing away every single prediction.
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The fact that Trump is actually weakly attempting to pretend he doesn’t back Project 2025 = EXACTLY why you need to be telling everyone you know about their evil, violent plans.
Don't let his lies scare you out of sharing the details of Project 2025 with everyone you know — especially those who are on the fence about their vote this year. There's good reason to believe knowing about Project 2025 focuses people's minds on the stakes.
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
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Were you at #brownuniversity from 1998-2003? Did you interact with Arthur Gregg "Dash" Sulzberger (thanks, Wiki, and wow what a basic nickname)? Do you have stories about him picking his nose in a lecture or shitting himself at a frat party? Sure would be a shame if those got around...
We could maybe, as a society, stop measuring dedication and skill by how hard you're willing to push yourself, because that seems like it leads to nothing good.
I know people think that the Presidency makes you superhuman, but it does not. Ask anyone in emergency services what their sleep schedule is like, and they'll tell you they always need more. There are guys at the firehouse who sleep through half the shift waiting for a call.
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Happy #JobsDay 📉📈. Overall the labor market remains strong. Fed rate hikes took it off boil, been cooling & now back near pre-pandemic levels. Cooling has taken the form of slower hiring & slower wage growth, not job destruction. Layoffs remain at record lows. Here's the numbers...
NYTFailson apparently was on my college's student paper, which...tracks. I went to school in 2001-2005, and I remember the Daily Herald dragging some troglodyte out of a basement every month and giving him a raw chicken so he'd write a column on Why Sodomy Is A Concern, Acktually.
Between now and November, I suspect that this account will become a mix of FUCKING KICK OUT THE GOP type political posts, being horny on main about fictional characters, and occasional updates from the novel mines. So mostly the same but with more slutty liberal chick rants.
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…I really think this is the more important presidential-election-related story to have in the news cycle.
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
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Listen to the Biden interview. Its 15ish minutes of Biden talking extemporaneously perfectly well. But like several other public events over the last several days, this is getting brushed aside because the narrative that political news media wants to go with is set.
EXCLUSIVE: Interview w/ President Joe Biden (Hour 1) <p>Earl debuts his exclusive interview with President Joe Biden on a special Independence Day broadcast. He asks the President about the importance of the black community, the economic accomplishments...
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The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
Reposted byAvatar Isabel Cooper
There’s a lot more evidence for the proposition that Trump sexually assaulted children on Epstein s island than there is for Biden’s supposed sundowning.
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I am now thoroughly in the "the press likes fascism bc it's good copy" camp and I challenge and to prove me wrong
So, like, the press remembers Trump is a rapist and 34 count felon right?
Reposted byAvatar Isabel Cooper
This is almost word for word what I tell students. Even if you’ve been disillusioned by what’s happening at the state and federal level, you need to get out and shore up your local politics.
It's not going to come down to a president or red states or blue states. It's going to come down to electing mayors and city council members that are brave enough to say "you're going to need to send in the National Guard if you want that shit enforced here." This is why we vote.
Working outside to avoid Dad's political shows. "How do you think we got through the Cold War?" "Quaaludes and gin."
There's a Masters' thesis somewhere in the fact that a bunch of social-mechanics, befriend-the-locals games (AC, SDV, the monastery bits of FE3H) came out at the same time many of us were realizing we shouldn't trust or like our actual neighbors.
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Your honor, with all due respect, EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting.
Your honor, with all due respect, If I get stoned and sing all night long its'a family tradition
Last political post for a while, I hope: I am not losing hope, and there are a lot of reasons for that, but wow does the fact that Trump is still a viable candidate after everything validate my decision to shun most human interaction.
Discussing with BF how impeachment/civilian prosecution is an alternative to the traditional method of people getting fed up with your bullshit, which was having your guards stab you in the bath. Me: "Surprised nobody's done that with Trump." BF: "Not entirely sure he bathes."
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I know everyone says "their reporters do great work" and that's true, but over the course of my life, the New York Times has institutionally had multiple points at which it was important to choose "be evil" or do the right thing and they've fucked it hard every time
Reposted byAvatar Isabel Cooper
Whole lotta Boromirs out there
I know that this site is repleat with nerds, so I'll use this analogy: there is a reason why Tolkien in LotR leaned in over and over and over again into the idea that there was no possible way to weild corrupting absolute power in a "good" way and that instead it must be rejected entirely.
Yes! I've got a few signed copies up as well, and if you want me to do Tarot readings or ramble about headcanons (for my own work or fandom, find out my crackass Jareth/Malificent theories!) that's also available. And so much more!
Hi! I'm going to yell about something you can get on Romancing the Vote: 1 hour of Kate Elliott's time on your worldbuilding. It's currently a steal at just over $100. it shoudl be three times that, easily.
1-Hour Worldbuilding Consult w/ Kate Auction item '1-Hour Worldbuilding Consult w/ Kate Elliott' hosted online at 32auctions.