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Gardener, musician, Walker of dogs. Working to ensure my community is food secure and we actually might just get there.
He got off light. At 31 years she’ll wake herself up, cross the hall to the music room where you’re reading quietly and tell you to keep it down.
He should go work a day on farm in the blazing sun and see if that’s good for his brain worm damage. Then he should work another and another. Until he understands just how stupid this is.
I woke up this morning to news JD accidentally released his search history. The words explicit and dolphin were in the same sentence. Not what you wanna see pre caffeination. So he was fucking couch’s last night and now it’s dolphins…
Even Rockers would have been better.
I wish both those things for you my friend. I just wish they’d picked a better name. Steamers was right there.
He’s definitely created a new definition for intersectional.
Add 4 justices so each circuit has a Justice at its head. Create enforceable ethics rules that give congress the power to investigate, impeach and remove Justices. Establish a mandatory retirement age of 70 and term limits of two 6 year terms retroactive to the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh. 1
whose appointment was shrouded in Senate chicanery. Justices Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett may request reapplication hearings. New rigorous gift and financial benefit rules. Any gift/benefit over $50 must be declared. Any exiting gifts over $50 must be surrendered. 2
New and sitting Justices will be subject to a thorough investigation of their financial records annually to ensure they are following ethics and financial rules to.the.letter. Failure = immediate expulsion.
It was couches when I went to bed be last night. It’s gonna be Ostrich’s tomorrow isn’t it.
Trump’s campaign has always been about staying out of prison. He could care less about those people at his rallies. They are sheep to be sheared. I genuinely wish they understood that.
Although I am curious if he smoked a *Chesterfield afterwards.
For the uninitiated, up here in Canada couch’s are sometimes called Chesterfields.
One of the worst politicians ever and a terrible human being.
I’m not here to sofa shame.
As a guy with a middle name that is commonly used by sex workers as a catch all for their customers, Trump should probably avoid going down this path. Signed another guy with the middle name John.
It’s just fun to say. Like Tuberous Begonia, which sounds like something you don’t want to be diagnosed with rather than a flower.
Maybe they should recognize thy freedom means allowing others to live,love, worship (or not) as they wish. What they currently pushing is antithetical to freedom.
Saw him when he opened for Buddy Guy…man it might have been in the late 80’s…great show.
Well as Newt Gingrich said about crime statistics. “It’s doesn’t matter if crime stats show violent crime is way down, it’s what the people feel. I’ll go with what people feel.” It’s quite clear the people feel JD Vance is a couch fucker.
Legal weed and ease of voting vs Being a giant douche canoe who flees the country rather than serve his constituents in a time if need, who allows a rapist fraud to bad mouth his wife with impunity. Roll another number.
He can’t bare the idea of not being the smartest guy in the room. Trouble is he is not a smart man. He has a gift for running cons sure, but he has no capacity for understanding anything. He just wants to know the shortest route from A to B. Anything more complicated and he just makes stuff up.
Tim Couch must be given the nod as VP. The look on Vance’s face when his rally crowds start chanting “fuck Tim Couch” will be the highlight of election season.