
This is an easy FUCK NO! The candidate is Biden. We already voted for him. If he steps down, the candidate is Harris. Period.
Dumbest fuckin’ idea I’ve ever heard. “The proposal is work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist…”
I don't understand this 'we need a replacement' mentality at all; this is all right-wing talking point bullshit you've heard from conservative assholes since 2020. Its propaganda and people need to stop freely towing the imaginary ethics line for those fucking Trump cultist jagoffs.
Both candidates have a presidency to evaluate. Biden's has been pretty outstanding given the congressional restraints he's operating under and the terrible courts.
Which is in no small feat thanks to the state level voters knocking back against conservative fuckers with progressive electors gaining positions to reinforce against them. And fuck me for saying this; but the correct answer is to 'stay the course'. Their only plan of attack is mayhem; DENY THEM IT.
But Isobel, then there'd be black woman running for president. And that'd be, like, bad, for some reason
...they really think they've got this kind of celebrity appeal, huh? Like they're just making names up here. "OOOH, What if we got famously great political interviewer Taylor Swift to moderate? She's not busy right now, right? Yeah, she'd totes do it!"
Surely, if Oprah and Taylor bless this maneuver, the plebs won't object?
And then the double rainbow will bless us all, the children will link hands and sing in perfect harmony, and my beagle will stop howling at nothing! UTOPIA, ISOBEL! IT'S WITHIN OUR GRASP!