
Dumbest fuckinā€™ idea Iā€™ve ever heard. ā€œThe proposal is work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalistā€¦ā€
And itā€™s all because of these idiot voters:
More terms for these people: ā€œidiots and assholesā€, ā€œdumb and meanā€ā€¦ ā€˜Double hatersā€™ who donā€™t like Biden or Trump could decide the election. Many voters express resignation, dismay & anger over being asked to choose between Biden & Trump again.ā€
And these people think theyā€™re now in charge:
Assholes: "Abigail Disney, an heiress to the Disney family fortune, plans to withhold donations to Democrats until Joe Biden drops out. Gideon Stein said heā€™s decided to pause planned donations of $3.5 million."
Disney heiress, wealthy Democratic donors say they won't finance the party until Joe Biden drops President Joe Biden faces a rebellion from wealthy Democratic donors after his debate performance against Donald Trump.
Kevin is correct:
So voting is better than *not* voting when it comes to getting what you want? Huh.
Here's a news flash for these assholes, We can VOTE FOR BIDEN without their money. We can VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS without their money. And the shitass groups that show up every election cycle to throw tantrums can FCK OFF too!
Yes, Oprah, who gave us Drs Oz and Phil. Sheā€™s really good at vetting people.
Let's not forget James Frey!
The people writing these pieces sure are getting high off their own farts with this shit.
"The country would be captivated" gives away the game that this was, in part, from a venture capitalist.
All these plans are attempts to legitimize passing over Harris. They must assume she wouldn't win in their half-assed system. Otherwise they would just support her as the alternative to Biden and STFU.
ā€œVolunteer policy advisorā€ i.e. her ideas are so stupid nobody would pay her for them
There are exactly 2 possibilities for the Democratic nominee this year: Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Thatā€™s it. Anyone positing any other possibility is engaging in West Wing fanfiction nonsense.ļæ¼
This part. ā« There is *no viable method* for the party to delete the results of the primary, shift the existing organization, and somehow obtain the funding needed to wage a national campaign. To even discuss it is leaping into the NYT's twisted narrative.
"Positive-only campaign" yeah that'll do the trick šŸ™„
Count me out! You stupid fuckers aren't even considering there are people who are Bidrn supporters and aren't going to suddenly vote for a ratfucker.
This has been absolutely impossible to explain to anyone since 2015.
Billionaire donor money with heavy techbro influence. Decades of servile underlings & Goddess only knows how much power, drugs &/or transactional sex rotted their judgement. Tech lords & fiscal looters arenā€™t content with gutting our society: now they want to destroy our Republic Vile, evil people.
Said law professor apparently being Barbara Ehrenreich's daughter and a career writer and academic.
Have we run this past Abigail Disney yet? It could get stupider.
We're giving them Oprah AND Michelle Obama as *interviewers*! Don't make us spell it out!"
? I have been seeing this incredibly terrible idea all over this medium -- it is laughably bad, I agree -- but, Rosa Brooks? Wow I have really, really respected a lot of her ideas. What a disappointment.
That screenshot is one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever read.
The idiocy of this idea aside, absolute lol that they think they can get Taylor Swift to do this.
I just started bleeding out of my ears reading this
And, of course, the media would eviscerate whoever came out of this stupidity as "anointed by party elites," and "discarding the will of the voters" and other such very predictable bullshit. It's all an obvious trap, telegraphed for months in advance.
It's really funny to think the DNC is gonna convince Taylor Swift to moderate a panel for, probabilistically, someone who won't ultimately become the candidate. She is maybe the third most powerful person globally, unironically.
How to lose an election by Rosa Brooks because basically that's what this is.
It took the French 3 weeks to organize the party that just won their elections. Our primary elections are far too long, anyway. It isnā€™t a bad idea. Not compared to keeping the crypt keeper as our candidate.
If I NEVER hear sprint, scrum, and agile again in my lifetime, I will be grateful.
I don't know enough to know if it's a good idea or not, but why is everyone rejecting this out of hand?
Because in addition to it leading to a disaster of a convention, no time to set it up for anyone but the delegates themselves to vote on it (meaning the electorate at large doesn't get a say), even if by some miracle it doesn't lead to a complete clusterfuck, there's only one message it sends:
"It's only a few months to the election, we have no faith in our candidate, and have no idea what we're doing so we threw this together at the last minute."