It's Just Jenn🏳️‍⚧️

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It's Just Jenn🏳️‍⚧️

46 year old trans woman and Riot Grrrl in training. Parent, wife, traveler. Possible urban legend. May only be a figment of your imagination.

Formerly @tweetfiction on the bird site and the fediverse, but I was formerly other things too.
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Why did you transition? (Wrong answers only.) I travel a lot and I needed a purse to carry all my extra stuff in the airport.
Why did you transition? (wrong answers only.) I transitioned because I really believed that going to Walgreens, could be a worse experience that it already was.
I probably need to get different setting spray than the Jurassic Park brand I bought. If for for no other reason so I stop singing "My dilophasaurus spray bring all the boys to the yard.." 😅
Still kinda hoping Giant Meteor will throw his hat back into the ring.
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I literally never thought about the fact that he should have seen the moon!
I’ve tried everything i could to keep me out of this position again, but everything I’ve tried has failed, and our landlord has given us to the end of the month to get back rent taken care of or we’re out. Liz’ new job is enough to pay bills month-to-month, but not to get the back rent in time.
Been listening to Kathleen Hanna's autobiography "Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk" on Audible, and she mentioned the playlist of songs was on Spotify. Well, I hate Spotify with a passion, so I converted it to YouTube with Soundiiz. Some good stuff here!
Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist This is a list of the songs and bands mentioned in my book in the order in which they appear!
*bemoaning my curly hair* Well I don't know why I expect my hair to be straight when nothing else about me is. 😅
My 16 year old self would probably be like "Wait we waited 30 years then did it anyway?" And then probably punch me.
My sixteen year old self would be absolutely thrilled, though there would probably be some paradox issues after she immediately started buying estrogen online
I'm listening to Kathleen Hanna read her book Rebel Girl, and I don't know what disturbs me more - her accounts of sexual harassment and assault from an array of men in her life, or the certainty that men are behaving this way behind closed doors every day.
Thought for my birthday - I'd be nervous about turning 47 if I wasn't aging in reverse like some kind of Queer Benjamin Button. Hormones are magic!
hey cis friends, I really need you to please share this. the cis people who really need to see it are much more likely to listen to you 🩷
Welcome to #TransTuesday! This week we talk CIS SPOUSAL AND PARTNER SUPPORT DURING TRANSITION. Let's talk about what it looks like, and why it's so important... and what happens when we don't get it. CIS FRIENDS I NEED YOU TO SHARE THIS WITH *YOUR* CIS FRIENDS.
Aww my first Bluesky DM, and it's from a chaser. A special moment in every trans woman's life.
I'm waiting for my car to be done and the TV has Boomerang. This Daffy Duck cartoon is trippy AF! Daffy is being chased by gangsters with eraser heads and there are attack planes taking off from this gangsters flat head? Wtf??
I already said Happy Pride earlier… but wanna say it again esp. for my straight-passing peers. For us who didn’t get a chance to grow up with all the choices, for whom the choices came too late, or for whom the choice is to just look not-Queer for whatever reason - Happy Pride too ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎
Who cracked your egg? So...which time? It happened over and over again over decades. Do I credit the trans fems I met on mucks in the 90s? Or the women indie rockers I was obsessed with? Finding my way to trans reddit? Inexplicably following a huge number of trans women on twitter then Mastodon?
Who cracked your egg? Mae Dean, lol. That goddamned comic. But let's do some backstory you probably haven't heard about how oblivious I was before! When I made my first trans friend, in 2009, I was totally bowled over with how different she was than all the BS stereotypes I'd learned. For 1/?
Who cracked your egg? Mae Dean, lol. That goddamned comic. But let's do some backstory you probably haven't heard about how oblivious I was before! When I made my first trans friend, in 2009, I was totally bowled over with how different she was than all the BS stereotypes I'd learned. For 1/?
Who cracked your egg? Weirdly enough, a combination of reddits r/crossdressing wiki and r/transfitness wikis. I had definitely been questioning since I was 10, but never seriously consciously questioned until I was about 32. I remember bargaining with myself at the time, I'm 90% cis, 10% trans 1/
I'm...vaguely fascinated by the absolute depravity of this article, but fairly impressed by the trans inclusiveness. I mean, for 2004?
Transexual: Pre-op is good, but post breast implants pre gender reassignment is perfection. all transexuals are slutty so don't worry about that this guest is a very high priority and should be catered to accordingly put her first in the queen for cocaine tell her how pretty she is touch her a lot
Is it just me or does their treason flag look like a half-assed powerpoint slide?