I. V. Y.

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I. V. Y.


Unapologetically trans. Apologetic about the rest.

Non-binary trans femme.
Boston, MA
I’m a dog queer, but it does seem like we’re an endangered species sometimes!
Heavily anonymized for privacy's sake, but the reception was very good! I'd have DM'd you a slightly less anon version, but DMs don't support images as best I can tell. The "App" users are using PluralKit, a plural system helper tool.
I’m starting to believe it’s true.
39 and up on Bluesky - show us your beautiful face! This is 42.
39 and up on Bluesky - drop a pic with your age 46? 47? I think 46.
As long as it’s for a legitimate study…
Happy Pride y’all. I love this new color.
We kind of have to ignore all of "flyover country". They don't want our kind there.
Same, though. Me, 5 years ago, almost to the day.
If I’m gonna work up a thirst this morning, I’m taking you all with me.
Seeing this is getting me out of the house to run before 9am. I knew this summer would be harder than past seasons running on T, I just didn't expect "summer" to start on 5/21.
Women. Trans women. Goth women. Trans goth women. Non-binary goths. Trans non-binary goths winning.
post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isnt nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains
post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isnt nirvana, pear jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains
Screenshot. We can also take it off bsky if you want to chat about it or sort it outside of public eyes. Just a thing I saw through mutuals and was like, "oh hey I know the creator."
A little late spring afternoon nap.
Am I doing something wrong, or are y'all? I feel like I *should* have made a list or two, for good or for ill.
Trans bodies are so cool. I guess it’s shoulders today.
Good night, trans babes in my phone.
I saw this going around earlier this morning, and somehow it triggered and unlocked a core memory of playing a ton of Soul Calibur 20 years ago. Isabella "Ivy" Valentine. Kind of forgot that she's a huge reason why I love this name.
“But what if it’s too late for me to transition?” I identified as NB in 2021, started HRT in 2022 at age 40. I’m happier with my body after 21 months than I ever was pre-transition. Folks told me I was sexy, now I actually *feel* it. It is NEVER too late. Never.
"But what if it's too late for me to transition?" I transitioned in 2020, starting HRT at 35. Two days ago, one of the real-world women--who I met once, ever--and who helped inspire the body I dreamed of having told me she thought I was beautiful. It's *never* too late. Never.
Hey gays, give some love to my outfit from Thursday night?
Multiple sources suggest that your dose is too low! 0.1 twice a week is the “starting dose” and it can/should go up. Are they testing your E levels too? I started on sublingual and have spare pills if you want or need. (Screenshots: U Toronto, BUMC, NIH)
Are you on an AA, or just relying on E to suppress T? I started off trying only E, but ended up starting spiro when my T went up. As far as I understand it, a relatively high dose of E is needed to suppress T, and most docs under-dose us. 🥴
Jeans -> leggings Hoodies -> cardigans T-shirts -> crop tops, women’s tees This was me a year ago, and now I even have tits! I also love wearing dresses sometimes, but this is my new hoodie and jeans. (I still have a bunch of hoodies though)
I'm seeing Mask of Yawgmoth, but that's because I'm just terminally MTG-poisoned. Great fuckin' logo regardless.
Wonder what the algorithm thinks of this one.
Silly little tools are fun.
Tits out for tdov, you say?
Well I didn’t think I’m that hot, but the robots sure think so.
I’m beginning to think Bluesky moderation has either a sexism or transphobia problem.
Sometimes it’s been over a month since your last D&D game and you decide to cosplay your character for the friends inside your monitor.
Forgot to post this a month ago. It cannot be emphasized enough how much clothing, grooming, and styling impacts how people see you. We see a ton of trans before-and-after, but this is same person, same day. Hormones are incredible, but get an outfit, style your hair. It does so much.