
I can't wait to see how the Bluesky community reacts to the Neil Gaiman allegations after everything you kids have all had to learn recently about the cost of disbelieving an accuser simply because you like the accused.
Gaiman's response to it was so bad, it should turn people on the fence off him.
His response/explanations are very, very bad. False memories? Wtf?
as an author he should have been able to come up with a better story, damn neil
So Elsie below pointed out that the source for his "false memories" statement is the same podcast and it's Tortoise understands Gaiman to have said..." There's no actual evidence he said this himself (or at least none I can find...)
So, to give credit and to make this circular, I got that from William (above) in another thread.
Like, this is not an actual quote attributable to Neil: “Tortoise understands that he believes…Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him” Understands that he believes…what is that?!