
I can't wait to see how the Bluesky community reacts to the Neil Gaiman allegations after everything you kids have all had to learn recently about the cost of disbelieving an accuser simply because you like the accused.
I've been a Neil Gaiman fan my entire life, he's been incredibly influential to my own work. He can also go eat shit and should own up to what he did. I'm perfectly capable of holding both these truths, so anyone who makes excuses for him can go fuck themselves.
It's just the obviously right thing to do! It just goes to show how prevalent rape culture is if the vast majority of Gaiman fans don't take this position!
The big response I'm seeing is that it hurts but fuck him for this Because it hurts but fuck him for this
Why Survivors Don't Come Forward, part ♾ in a series
Gaiman's response to it was so bad, it should turn people on the fence off him.
His response/explanations are very, very bad. False memories? Wtf?
as an author he should have been able to come up with a better story, damn neil
Well, as long as part of the story includes admitting to relationships with women in their early 20s when he was…60? Late 50s?, but disputing the lack of consent, we have enough to read between the lines. Ick.
For the 2003 incident with the 18yo he would have been in his 40s. The 2022 incident with the 23yo, his 60s. But from reading some of the threads of people who were actually listening to the podcast and paid for access there's some...questions about the reporting.
Mostly that the repoting by the Podcaster does NOT match up with the accusers were actually saying/texting regarding consent.
But like regardless. Dude is a 60/40 year old hooking up with 23/18yo.. NO dude. At best that's creepy. Though Neil being a somewhat creepy horndog is apparently old news in writing circles.
So Elsie below pointed out that the source for his "false memories" statement is the same podcast and it's Tortoise understands Gaiman to have said..." There's no actual evidence he said this himself (or at least none I can find...)
So, to give credit and to make this circular, I got that from William (above) in another thread.
Like, this is not an actual quote attributable to Neil: “Tortoise understands that he believes…Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him” Understands that he believes…what is that?!
did he address it at length? i haven't seen any direct quotes but my understanding is he admitted to doing everything but said it was all consensual, was there more?
Yes, that is what I'm referring to.
jfc does he think we're all that credulous
So I have seen the original podcast source say that Gaiman believes these to be due to false memories, but I haven't seen anything from, y'know, him. Got a link? Everything I try to research here goes back to a single source that seems unreliable. I'd like to hear from better sources.
Sorry, it's even worse. They say that they "... understand that Gaiman believes ...". How? Who did they talk to? This is journalistic malpractice, at BEST. Note: I'm not disbelieving the allegations, but I want some actual information, and I'm stymied by the slipshod reporting here.
How does he proved who's memories were false?
I wish he would just turn himself in so we could all fucking skip it
I think it's just another bit of proof that we shouldn't idolise people just because they did a thing we appreciate once. It's just another one of 2014 tumblr's worse contributions to the world.
I agree. I had a similar feeling with Dan Price. Thought he was great to be the rich CEO and cut his billion-dollar salary down to 50K and preached anti-capitalism. Later, I learned he did all that to get laid and has little respect for women. Didn't know Gaiman as well, but it still sucks.
Parts of Sandman are integral to helping me mourn my dead sibling, who was almost certainly trans but never felt able to share that fully with anyone. Gaiman can absolutely get fucked, he's dead to me.
I haven't personally seen anyone defending him and that I've noticed myself that Gaiman who used to be an extremely prolific poster here has suddenly gotten a lot more quiet. The joke of a denial he published doesn't do him any favors either.
Literally three days ago on here flirting and cutting up with his mentions like he has done for fifteen years. Most accessible famous writer! K...I no longer respect that angle.
Honestly from what I see in my feed, I haven’t seen one person defend him.
I've seen one and blocked immediately rather than get stuck in, which is probably a sign of big growth on my part given how angry it made me
Gaiman's work is something I've always adored, but I've always held off a bit on the man himself, at least in the last ten years or so. Rubs me up the wrong way a bit the way he interacts online.
An easy unfollow. I hope the women he hurt are believed.
I feel for his partner - who I assume was blindsided by these revelations - who released a song about the predatory Harvey Weinstein in 2019. (My daughter was in her music video.)
I already unfollowed him. I started reading his books because he was friends with Diana Wynne Jones and I am a big fan of hers. It's very upsetting.
If I bury my head in the sand, or make excuses, or allow an exception because I enjoy his work, then that would make me part of the problem.
The silence, sadly, says much.
We just showed the kids Good Omens, too. But what conclusion can I draw but that this is likely true? It’s so rarely false.
I muted him like a month ago because Discovery was convinced I had to hear everything he said I think of myself as a trend setter of sorts
As a prior fan I am deeply disgusted and distressed. I hope the survivors get justice.
Of all people, I would've thought he'd own up to it. Godammit.
Gonna make my Tori Amos sing along real weird:/ goddamnit.
I have the honor of being so uncultured that i genuinely don’t know who that is
I'm going with 'fuck that guy'. It sucks when someone whose work we like turns out to be a shitty person but if we want a less-shit world then we have to deliver the consequences for their behaviour.
I keep seeing people vaguely alluding to him doing something on my TL but no one has actually said what to who ._.;. I assume its sexual assault but any other context is missing.
the news story is the first hit on Google