
Sure, and if you bring some Moabites, Edomites, Aramites, and the rest to discuss their indigeneity, I think that would be great. I've never met anyone claiming to be those peoples or read any contemporaneous literature from those peoples either. Have you?
Those people are now referred to as "Palestinians" - just as how i refer to myself as British and not one of the many progenitor names (Viking, Celt, Briton, Angle, Saxondale, Jute etc) that my ancestors would've called themselves.
However, assuming a group of Palestinians started calling themselves Moabians, you'd recognise them as indigenous and have the superior claim to the land that Zionists do?
Actually, Palestine is a direct derivative of Philistine.
Indeed the word Philistine is thought to have its roots in the Peleset people, which are listed as one of the Sea Peoples who waged war against the previous kingdoms, long before that map, around 1200BC which would actually predate the oldest archaeological evidence for the ancient Kingdom of Israel
Although that's only a theory, there's so little archaeological evidence for things at this time that it's nearly impossible to prove.
We'll, if those people float in on their boats and show some continuous connection to their culture, let's discuss their indigeneity.
They may well have been indigenous. They aren't extent anymore. Move on.