
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #Filmsky
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #Filmsky
Me: every film has at least one redeeming factor Also me: smashing follow button because NOT SUCKER PUNCH THO
Me going in to see Sucker Punch: "I'm not much of a Synder fan but this looks like it will be pretty cool." Me coming out of seeing Sucker Punch: "Fuck everything about everything and all those little things I kinda liked about those other films, I now hate reflexively. What the fuck"
It made me viscerally angry. I have never been angry at a film before. A writer, a director, an actor, sure. But an entire film?! I *hated* The. Whole. Thing. It got worse every scene. Like, it was personal. Even Carla Gugino could not save that piece of absolute trash I want my 2 hours back
The only films that have ever made me more just-plain upset after spending my time watching them were "Virus" (which is just a waste) and "Hollow Man", which was so bad it put my spouse and I both into a zone where we fought about *nothing*.
After I moved in with my wife, we had loads of duplicate DVDs. We just gave them away to friends. We had two copies of Hollow Man. Literally oculdn't give it away. Atrocious pile of shit.