
since biden has refused to break with israel in any meaningful sense, and shows no signs of doing so in the future, he can’t really mollify the protesters. so he has no choice but to ignore them or proclaim that they don’t matter
“Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel's offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November's election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy…”
Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection Faced with a choice between Biden and Trump, many officials remain confident even Democrats who oppose U.S. policy will choose Biden.
Then when Trump wins, Corporate Democrats will double down on blaming the progressives instead of their failed leadership. Wash, Rinse, Repeat!
it's so cool how his campaign strategy is I can do whatever I want and there's fuck all the scum voters can do about it bc it's me or Trump. makes me soooo excited to vote
I don’t think people care anymore. It’s one Fascist dictator vs another with the major parties. I know more with the intentions on voting Stein than Biden.