
“Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel's offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November's election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy…”
Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection Faced with a choice between Biden and Trump, many officials remain confident even Democrats who oppose U.S. policy will choose Biden.
Imagine looking at these poll numbers and thinking “stay the course” is the smartest move
I REALLY hope the Biden team is working off good data and not just spite for leftists. It could well be that they justifiably believe AIPAC would more than counterbalance the humanitarian vote.
I suspect it's more spite the leftists and less about good data.
Biden & the Democratic Party establishment painted themselves into a corner. They don't have good options.
Basically, any moves Biden makes... he's got the problem that he loses a large number of people who like Biden for punching Left before he gets to the point he fixes his problems with younger voters.
That sounds like cynicism and despair in lieu of data.
which would be deeply stupid, given that AIPAC is pretty openly campaigning for Republicans
Is the “oh would you prefer TRUMP???” crowd going to selfishly refuse to vote for Biden if he doesn’t pass their keep supporting murder purity test?
18% of 18-29 for RFK Jr? Jesus lmao
Did those people recently return from a trip to the Amazon, too?
I honestly didn’t know people under thirty knew who he was
I have spent my entire life ignoring the Kennedys! I thought we had all agreed to!
he is quite popular with libertarian incel bros
Tbf I’m pretty sure that’s 18-29 year olds making an open fuck you statement rather than one of earnest intent
When you have third party candidates collectively pulling 15-22% in the younger cohorts and STILL have 20%+ undecided, I don't see how you come to any conclusion other than "Millenials and Gen Z are no longer buying into this nonsense."
As an Arkansan, whose vote counts for little more than sending a message to the DNC, I'm voting for Jill Stein this November. Unless something drastic changes between now and November, I don't see that changing.
You could write in bobcat goldthwait tho
I mean, I take your meaning but at the same time...imagine looking at polls and still taking them as a serious and accurate measure of voter sentiment.
Why do Gen Y/Z Biden haters insist on starting every post with “Imagine”?
Right !! Didn't a recent poll in Maryland have a candidate winning by 15 pts, only to lose by 10. Polling today just isn't accurate.
As an aside, it is genuinely hard to understand how RFK retains double digit support among a few demographics. I guess he’s tapping some of the populist faction Trump appealed to ahead of 2016. Three truly horrible candidates that should be nowhere near the levers of power.
Polls are unreliable. I never take them seriously. How can polls of 100 -1,000 predict how 341,814,420 people will vote? I 🙄🙄 every time I see a poll!
What poll is this? I find it very hard to believe it’s remotely accurate. Trump is losing to Biden by 5% with the over 65 voters? Literally incredible
It's the latest poll from the New York Times and this isn't the first time older voters have been running evenly split between Trump and Biden. It makes sense for two reasons: 1) Biden is old and boomers relate on a personal level. 2) Support among Americans for Israel's bombing is highest with 65+
Cross-Tabs: May 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Presidential Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in five of six states polled by The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer and Siena College from April 28 to May 9, 2024.
Wasn’t there some real problems with this poll? I thought I read something about how poorly designed it was. Granted, the election will be v v close, much too close, we have to work.
This is my problem with the poll. It is drastically under sampling Democrats. This was the case back in Feb when their first poll came out and seems to be a continued problem with their sampling.
They’re both old and both in complete support of Israel. So if you’d like to come up with two actual reasons they’re running even I’m quite curious
For months now, polls have consistently shown older voters going to Biden.
yeah like all of this is bad news but that's the most eminently credible section??
I have to pray a lot of the respondents are trolling in protest, and obviously this is "among people who'd answer a poll in 2024" but that is GRIM
Kind of a weird poll if we're to think that the problem is Biden's support of Israel though. If young people want Trump because of Israel, then Biden should do what to court them?
I don't think it's that young people want Trump because of Israel. I think it's that Biden is currently president, so all of the atrocities are happening on his watch. Trump might be worse, but an affirmative vote for Biden is a vote for the status quo, which is horrific in itself.
I'm not convinced at all. Sorry. Who answers when unknown is on other end? Biden is doing what he can. Gop want to make Gaza a parking lot. Choose wisely, because a protest vote is a vote for trump. FWIW, 6% of 6 states will decide who's president.
"Biden is doing what he can" He most certainly is not.
What do you mean he's "doing what he can"? He's sending Israel weapons and continually defending them and threatening the ICC. He just did that again today! If you mean "doing what he can to enable Israel to commit genocide," then yes, he is.
i think this outreach would work better if the frightful scenario werent already happening
"doing what he can" is committing genocide?
Uhh, have you seen the latest photos of Gaza? It's already parking lot-adjacent (under Biden).
have fun voting for 99% hitler
Sorry, I'd never vote for trump, reich?
i think you bring up a good point which is this is basically posturing for 44 out of 50 states in the country. i think thats a really really key point, here, and why moronically holding onto unpopular and incongruous positions when the margins are this thin is bad, actually.
Ok, point taken. Dive a bit deeper, what points are unpopular? I'm pretty sure a majority of Americans still support israel. If it's a 50-50 split, it's a no win situation regardless. Maybe bibi is hardlining in Hopes of dividing us enough to get trump back. They r pals after all.
"Happening on his watch" is a strange way to describe a genocide that Biden actively supports
The people being lost are the people in the center much more than the people on the left. Conservative democrats.
Did this poll ask an open ended question or multiple choice? It doesn’t pass the smell test to me that 18% said they were voting for RFK with no prompting but I could see them picking a third party candidate from the list as an alternative answer to Biden. But what do I know.