
Apparently this is the poll that has every Democrat freaking out today, and I have... questions... about the pre-debate numbers.
down in NH is a "we're totally cooked" situation, so yeah
Biden beat Trump in Virginia by 10.2% in 2020; this poll presupposes that Biden lost 8.5%... before the debate? Among whom?
People in NoVa are totally jazzed about a Trump return to office, right?
Totally anecdata, but a disturbingly large number of my friends, acquaintances, & business relations in NoVA are adamant about wanting just that unfortunately 😑
NoVa seems like one of those places that is going to vote very, very hard against Trump.
Wish I shared your confidence. I have been at Happy Hours recently w/ my Wife & her colleagues, she is a Fairfax County public school teacher, & there has been a decidedly Pro-Trump slant to all of our discussions. Worried that BSKY folks are a bit of an outlier like the car below at this point 😬
Maybe I'm tragically wrong, but I think these people capture a hugely disproportionate share of political attention (and of *our* attention as politically tuned-in types). For every one of them there are ten or twenty or fifty people whose politics you'd never know unless you knew them very well.