
Apparently this is the poll that has every Democrat freaking out today, and I have... questions... about the pre-debate numbers.
down in NH is a "we're totally cooked" situation, so yeah
Biden beat Trump in Virginia by 10.2% in 2020; this poll presupposes that Biden lost 8.5%... before the debate? Among whom?
People in NoVa are totally jazzed about a Trump return to office, right?
Totally anecdata, but a disturbingly large number of my friends, acquaintances, & business relations in NoVA are adamant about wanting just that unfortunately 😑
NoVa seems like one of those places that is going to vote very, very hard against Trump.
Wish I shared your confidence. I have been at Happy Hours recently w/ my Wife & her colleagues, she is a Fairfax County public school teacher, & there has been a decidedly Pro-Trump slant to all of our discussions. Worried that BSKY folks are a bit of an outlier like the car below at this point 😬
Maybe I'm tragically wrong, but I think these people capture a hugely disproportionate share of political attention (and of *our* attention as politically tuned-in types). For every one of them there are ten or twenty or fifty people whose politics you'd never know unless you knew them very well.
This poll makes no sense.
Can someone explain why we are even concerned about polls? It doesn't seem like they have been terribly accurate since the whole transition away from landlines and people never answering their phones for fear of scams.
Has any post 2020 poll been correct though? They all scream doom and yet in every election the Democrat overperforms by 20 pts
No one I know ever answers their phone for unknown numbers or anyone not on their contacts list. I did once recently for the first time in years as I was expecting something new for business and I immediately regretted it as it was the local police union begging for donations.
The polls in 2022 were pretty accurate. The mostly MAGA pundits claiming a red wave weren’t but the polls really were fairly good.
Chris start juicing President Kamala right now I’m so serious