
Campaign ad that includes the correct precise numbers. Scrolling text: 60 courts rejected Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen. 900 people convicted or pled guilty to January 6 crimes. 10 Trump lawyers disbarred or facing disciplinary or criminal charges. 1/
2 jury trials found that Trump committed sexual assault and defamed his victim; $90 million in damages. 1 court found that Trump committed massive financil fraud, $350 million in damages. 34 felony convictions. 54 felony indictments outstanding in three different trials. 2/
Spoken: Donald Trump wants you to believe that more than 1000 different juries, grand juries, trials, and judicial proceedings, state and federal, from all over the country, are part of a massive conspiracy against him, The other possibility is: he's a criminal, and leads people into crime. 3/
Which one is easier to believe? [video clip: Trump "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue..."] He thinks American voters are suckers, and that no matter how many crimes he commits, or gets other people to commit for him, you won't care. He's wrong." 4/
I dunno campaign strategy from a hole in the wall. But it seems to me that at some point the sheer magnitude of *all* the crimes and judgments, the scale of the crazy conspiracy theory he wants us to believe, counts in its own right, and that it's worth using that to drown out the right-wing... 5/
noise machine alleging crazy things about each case taken one at a time. "Teach the American voter Occam's razor" seems like advice only a professor could give, I know. But "the whole pile is even greater than the sum of the parts" rhetorically works... /fin
I've long said that Trump's Presidency and continued popularity are the direct results of America's rather underfunded education system.
Republican ad voiceover: “Democrats are claiming that crime is down in the US, but in just one day in 2024, in just one state, a single man was convicted of 34 felonies. Does that sound like crime is down?”
If only we could be sure about the "he's wrong" part. Don't get me wrong, I think the reality will sink into deluded Trumptards' skulls slowly &-even if none change their vote-suppress their turnout. But there's something broken in a country where even 1% vote for Trump to end their right to vote.
Also, his personality is so unlikeable that any infraction he commits most of the commoners are immediately going to lean toward “fuck that guy” than “what he did wasn’t really *that* bad”. Being an asshole is only advantageous so long as you don’t have to face the masses
I eschew the former and completely embrace the latter.
…while it scrolls a John Williams composed song plays
Quite honestly, he wouldn't even need to compose something new. The Imperial March would work just fine.
The only thing I would add is how many GOP/Trump judges rejected the claims.
Bravo. How can we get these ads made if the Biden campaign won't? It's so important to pull it all together.
GOP continues to cling to party of law and order label. 🤣