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Fuck off if you can’t handle a difference of opinion
Reposted byAvatar Jo
My guess is that Trump knows very little about P25 *and* it will be the blueprint for his administration. He’s famously bored by policy. He’ll appoint these people because they’re loyal. They’ll then go to work on the plan while he grifts, golfs, and gives two-hour speeches at rallies.
Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
One thing that annoys me about the Democratic consultant class is how they act like they're brass-knuckle streetfighters and yet don't have the stones to run nonstop ads about Trump's extensive connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It's all true! It's documented! There are photos!
A randomish old man (know his face but not name) w/ a Buffalo Bill dog stopped me while walking my dog to offer me cucumbers. He got out of his car, opened the hatch back & told me to come over & pick what I wanted. I had to overcome my true crime brain & remind myself I live in small town Midwest
Reposted byAvatar Jo
These 2025 Project people want you to believe their goal is an Andy Griffith sort of America, an aw shucks, old fashioned, happy small town life where everyone got a long and just lived freely...but theirs is a Mr. Potter/Monte Burns vision of plutocratic impunity and unaccountability.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Reposted byAvatar Jo
I have entire wings of my family completely and permanently lost to conspiratorial delusion thanks to this cult and fox news, so I find these "have you tried bridging?" articles profoundly fucking odorous
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Reposted byAvatar Jo
he *is* a felon?
Guys, I’m watching a new Nazi documentary series on Netflix & I’m not gonna lie, we are fucked. I literally just heard the phrase “Von Papen’s motivation to bring Hitler into government was to co-opt the Nazis” & immediately thought “this Mitch McConnell motherfucker right here”
Reposted byAvatar Jo
He is so thirsty & clingy that I’m contemplating a restraining order 😂
Reposted byAvatar Jo
its remarkable how Biden repeatedly refusing to pardon Hunter is treated as more scandalous by the press than Trump's many pardons of cronies, associates and campaign donors. He pardoned co-conspirators in illegal conspiracies he directly participated in!
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Reposted byAvatar Jo
“No person or entity was ever held responsible, and no survivors were ever formally compensated for their losses.”
“The women, who were small children at the time, argued that the destruction of what was then known as Black Wall Street and the massacre of up to 300 African Americans by a white mob amounted to an ongoing public nuisance, and they sought reparations.”
Oklahoma Supreme Court Dismisses Tulsa Massacre The last known remaining survivors of the 1921 attack by a white mob were hoping for their day in court.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Cars should have buttons and knobs to control everything, not a touchscreen
What’s the most boomer complaint you have?
Reposted byAvatar Jo
It’s only June but we’ve apparently already reached the “my political opponents want to guillotine you” phase of rhetorical escalation.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
"One in three young men haven't had sex in the last year," complains Galloway on Morning Joe. He says that lonely broke young men are "the most dangerous people on the planet." The implication is that they deserve to get laid. That's incel. So glib. So creepy.
Quick question: if Trump is fighting FOR me INSTEAD of the corrupt deep state, what exactly is he fighting AGAINST for me? Literally too dumb to lie effectively 😂
Reposted byAvatar Jo
When your plagiarism machine won’t work because you’ve run out of things to steal.🎻
🧪 Large language models may exhaust all publicly available training data by 2026-2032, potentially slowing AI development. This could push companies to use private data or AI-generated content, risking model collapse. 🤖
AI 'gold rush' for chatbot training data could run out of human-written Artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT could soon run out of what keeps making them smarter — the tens of trillions of words that people have written and shared online.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
BREAKING: in a devastating blow to both-sides-ism, the judge and jury in the Hunter Biden trial remain unthreatened
Reposted byAvatar Jo
BREAKING: Federal judge rules that Florida’s ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors and many of its restrictions on similar adult care are unconstitutional. More to come at Law Dork.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Prince Harry and allies seek to expand case against Rupert Murdoch empire In his latest salvo against the tabloid industry, the royal son appears to have launched an effort to hold the 93-year-old media mogul personally responsible for his reporters’ privacy-invading practices
Prince Harry and allies seek to expand case against Rupert Murdoch Prince Harry and others seek to amend a lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch’s tabloids, claiming the media executive knew more about phone hacking than admitted.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
"Duct tape, Brian? You thought DUCT TAPE would stop me? I'm a little offended, I thought you had more respect for me than that."
Reposted byAvatar Jo
From reading the article, there’s a ton of “yay for police!” to get through before the information that the city deployed social workers who referred troubled kids and their families to Social Services instead of putting them in the system.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
bumping in light of his new move which is “waking me up before my alarm by putting his 300lb head on my chest & sighing heavily until I get up & take him outside to play”
cowboy looking for pity
Reposted byAvatar Jo
That’s . . . a lot of metaphors.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Remember when all these guys were talking about HIPAA because they thought it meant you couldn’t ask if they were vaccinated
Asshole doctor Does Harm by leaking medical documents to Chris Rufo, is now charged with 4 felonies. (Calling this guy a “whistleblower” and Rufo a “journalist” are some good examples underscoring just how detached from reality this entire ecosystem is)
DOJ charges Texas doctor after he blew the whistle on gender-affirming care for The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against a surgeon who exposed Texas Children's Hospital for secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Reposted byAvatar Jo
What kills me is the idea that bigotry requires malicious intent. Most bigotry is ingrained, reflexive, and unexamined. Malicious discrimination isn't magically more serious or lethal. All that said, they'll plant a flag on their hill and insist "it's not like he did it intentionally." Yes, and?
Reposted byAvatar Jo
I don’t know if it’s fair to rub a major Republican loss in their faces by celebrating D-Day. Why bring up this old defeat?