
NY Times: You thought this election might be about an unprecedented convicted criminal running to overthrow Constitutional democracy? You think you decide the narrative? Oh no. That’s our turf. And we say the most important thing in the election—nay, the world—is Joe Biden’s age.
It's not about his age, actually. It's about his cognitive decline and the fact he's not qualified to hold the office for four more years.
Cool cool cool...who's he running against?
The electorate. Like pretty much anyone with eyes.
Therefore, right now, Biden is running against the people who voted for him in 2020. "Trump bad" isn't a cogent argument.
It is a completely cogent argument. Is someone being slightly too old for a job better than literal fascism? It's not fucking close. Stop pretending it is.
Especially at this stage in the process. Some sort of anointing of Harris as the nominee would maybe have been possible months (years?) ago, but now... keep the orange fascist out is priority.
This won't convince voters. Biden cannot win. If he refuses to acknowledge reality, he'll not only lose the White House to Trump, he'll drag down dozens of house members & hand the senate to fascists as well. Then they'll have all 3 branches. My life is on the line here, this isn't a team sport.
He's not "slightly too old". He's has serious cognitive issues. Ask any physician if 82 year olds w/cognitive decline get better. They don't. He's simply not qualified to be president for 4 more years. He has memory issues & he refuses to take a cognitive exam. He can't beat Trump. Cope won't help.
Whatever clown. I'm muting you. Good luck shouting into the ether.
Yes, everyone is a clown that you disagree with when you have no argument.