Jake Ten Pies

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Jake Ten Pies


Milwaukee socialist 🌹
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
Look who's not defending Joe Biden today
Biden in 2020: "I view myself as a transition candidate" "Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else. There's an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. They are the future of this country." www.axios.com/2024/07/03/b...
How Biden went from “bridge” candidate to two-term hopefulwww.axios.com Worries about Biden's fitness for office have highlighted his old pledges to make way for new Democratic leaders.
Every day for the next seven years, Biden will keep China checkmated at minimum
Something Lost, Something Gained Stephanopoulos: If you stay in, and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January? Biden: I'll feel, as long as I gave it my all, and I did as good a job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.
Biden has his own secret polls, and even they say it's a toss-up, which he thinks is great news for us.
Biden in this interview is bragging about his peace plan for the Middle East
Biden in November: I had another bad night
If The Lord almighty, Barack Obama, comes down to tell Biden to step down, Biden says he will listen.
This Biden interview is infuriating. He has such an ego that he's going to give us Trump again
"Laffin Kamala Harris" We will be laughing at you Trump!
President Biden in a staff wide call: “I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out. I’ve been knocked down before and counted out my whole life. When you get knocked down you get back up.”
Reposted byAvatar Jake Ten Pies
Go back farther for undermining our legal system. First, the Supreme Court picked George W. Bush. First, Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon.
Reposted byAvatar Jake Ten Pies
Telling the 24-year-olds that they'll never know or learn as much as the wisdom of people like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton
“I tried to raise the alarm before it was too late. I felt it was my duty to our great nation. But no one would listen. No one would listen.” -24 year old intern in Biden-Harris Lansing field office
Joe Biden, you promised you would cut the malarkey, but then you never did.
Reposted byAvatar Jake Ten Pies
Want to listen to consultants who get money from propping up an old dying man, Joe Biden? Or do you want to defeat Trump and start planning a future for the Democratic Party? Because Biden ain't no future
DNC bosses would rather risk Trump winning than lose their power over the party — and they know they’ll still be enriched if Trump wins & the country burns.
Why Hasn’t Biden Stepped Down?www.levernews.com Democrats blocked a serious primary challenge to Biden — now after the first debate, the threat of a Trump presidency looms.
Hey is everyone gonna tell me how important it is to support Biden today, like every other day? Because those aren't the marching orders anymore, from what Joy Ann Reid told me.
86 on another term. Time to retire
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The absolutely wild thing is: This goes for ALL social aid. Just *giving people some fucking money,* literally going "OK, how much did you need?", cutting checks, and waving them out the door? COSTS LESS and HAS BETTER OUTCOMES than the current system's bureaucracy and means testing, EVERY TIME.
With alt-text because THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE & I FUCKING HATE IT. Being disabled is a godsdamn full time job battling different agencies all damn day. #NEISvoid
Senior US officials reassured a delegation of top Israeli officials visiting Washington this week that if a full-out war were to break out on Israel’s northern border between Israel and Hezbollah, the Biden administration is fully prepared to back its ally www.cnn.com/2024/06/21/p...
US offers assurances to Israel this week in the event of full-blown war with Hezbollah | CNN Politicswww.cnn.com Senior US officials reassured a delegation of top Israeli officials visiting Washington this week that if a full-out war were to break out on Israel’s northern border between Israel and Hezbollah, the...
Canada's preparing to evacuate 45,000 of its citizens from Lebanon. Is this all really worth it, Joe Biden? www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_ent...