
Conservatives do not want to go back to "family values." Conservative men want to go back to a time when they could get away with doing anything they wanted without recourse. They just call it "family values" and the media sells it.
They still get away with anything as they wear a cloak of Christianity like a shield meanwhile in Texas infant mortality rose 13% the year after the law was enacted, congenital anomalies increased by 23% in the same time period. Abbott can call it what he likes but what it is, is deadly.
Does the Bible not teach us to be awful?
It has been finely honed as a weapon of intolerance and bigotry
Let me sum it up in a sentence I heard a human male said with his very own mouth: “It’s not rape if she’s my wife.”
A sheriff's deputy literally said this to my mom when she tried to report her second husband for spousal rape. That was when I first started to really hate cops. But hey, they were also there to do absolutely nothing after my car got stolen, so...
The patriarchy of theocratic fascism requires it for minority control.
Conservatives do not want to go back to "family values." Conservative men want to go back to a time when they could get away with doing anything they wanted without recourse. They just call it "family values" and the media sells it.