
Just received this stunningly gorgeous Absolute edition of Superman for All Seasons, one of my favorite Superman stories & a huge influence on Legacy (& a strangely perfect bookend with All-Star Superman). Tim Sales artwork & Bjarne Hansen’s watercolor work have never looked better.
Superman stories gain so much when keeping both Ma and Pa Kent alive.
"Thanks, my mom made it for me" is an all-time Superman line for me.
I have a cousin who used to write for DC and Superman a long time ago, his name is Elliot Maggin.
Much as I loved the Loeb/Sale team-ups, I missed this one due to life being a bit chaotic when it came out. I don't really have any excuse for not correcting that in the intervening years.
And now is the best time with that glorious hardcover out 😀
Absolutely gorgeous. I love For All Seasons. Though I'm more partial to some of the Byrne Man of Steel stuff Post-Crisis. I'm curious, what are your thoughts of the Death of Superman? It's one of my favorites and I was just wondering what you thought of it.
That looks absolutely glorious.
Jeph was my writing mentor in the 2000s. He credited me for helping with SUPERMAN #178. Tim was someone I knew less well but we had a nice afternoon chatting towards the end and he did a sketch cover for me for my comic, UNGROUNDED. I feel connected to Loeb's run on Superman for various reasons.
one of my favorite Superman stories, I'm glad it will influence the film, very excited
That remains my all-time favorite Superman book. It's not super (heh) action packed, but it nails the character.
Congratulations! That is a terrific story! I used to recommend it a lot when I owned my comic shop.
When you say about anything comic book related: "I felt great disturbance on the internet, As if millions of clickbait websites suddenly appeared outta no where"
I wish there were more pages showcasing Hansen's colors without the line work, but yeah. The size really fits his work.
For All Seasons is easily one of my favorite Superman stories, right up there with All-Star and Up in the Sky as fantastic standalone stories that really show how great the character is.
For anyone who's read this, what you've previously said about this being a Superman early in his career but not an origin should be clicking about now. And they should be excited.
If you haven't read it already, but I assume you have, I highly recommend Superman: Kryptonite. Darwyn Cooke's words with Sale's artwork devastated me. I got to talk to Sale before he passed and he was lovely and said Cooke made him understand Lois when they worked on the book.
The typography is also very cool 🤩
will 'All- Star Superman' be an influence too?
I am so excited to see what you come up with. The first Superman with Christopher Reeve is still in rotation here. That fortress of solitude scene with Marlon Brando still brings a tear to thine eye sometimes.