
Pretty cool to see Superman for All Seasons number 2 in all DC Comics this morning on Amazon… and this for a 90 dollar (well worth it) book! I love turning people onto some of the beautiful comics they may have missed (or forgotten).
Something that has me truly excited about James Gunn at DC Studios is that he seems really committed to celebrating and promoting the comics that formed the basis for this whole multimedia extravaganza. I like that the art form has an advocate with a megaphone who's making good use of it.
james what’s your take on the wonder woman earth one comics?
Can we get a power girl movie? I'll write and direct that too. I'm selfless like that. And modest.
Can you tell us what your Powergirl movie will be about?
No, James gunn will have to legally block me if I talk about what I'd do. Technically, that's a pitch, and he can't hear or see an unsolicited pitch.
i hope you’re not taking any inspiration from these earth one books to build wonder woman trajectory as they’re far accurate to her lore and aged poorly in general. still, i respect your opinion!
which wonder woman books would you recommend to a beginner like me? other than historia and dead earth, which are on my list
- the legend of wonder woman - wonder woman: hiketeia and then wonder woman (1987) #195 until the end of the run
ty! looking forward to checking these out
Such a good book. Love that my kids get to wake up with this in their room.
You have Tim Sale art?!
This has been a Superman story I've put off reading for too long. I'll have to check it out.
Nice to see people appreciating Superman as the big blue boyscout and realizing that's not boring. Although I do have a soft spot in my heart for the original Superman who'd trap crooked landlords in their crumbling buildings or drop war profiteers on the front lines. That guy was great too. :)
Do you think you might be able to post about DCs currently ongoing titles each week? I think it could really help the sales.
Hey, James. Really appreciate you and your team's work on Peacemaker. Reminded me a lot of my relationship with my father - dealing with his prejudices and choosing not to perpetuate them.
Considered writing a limited series for DC?
Pretty cool to see James Gunn in the Forever Blue Sky. 🤞 May your experience with this platform be better than your last.
James, were you a fan of Keith Giffen’s JLI run?
You're the only comic book movie guy who is advocating for comics, and we're lucky to have you.
It makes me cry everytime I think about it, everytime I read it. Loeb and Sale really created the quintenssential tale of a Man of Steel with a Heart of Gold.
James, tell people to read Gotham Central, this comic deserves to be at the top of the Amazon charts too!
Great to see. 💜 Any chance we'll see the Robinson/Harris Starman in the DCU?