Jan Brunson

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Jan Brunson


Medical Anthropologist, University of Hawai`i | Editing @ SS&M and MedicineAnthropologyTheory | Studying discourses on maternal health & population in global souths | Nepal

Just finished an R&R on Marshallese mothers in Hawai‘i. If you don't know this history of militarism and nuclear testing in the Pacific, I hope you will read how it relates to life today www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
Opinion | The Human Toll of Nuclear Testingwww.nytimes.com The U.S. bombings that ended World War II didn’t mark the close of atomic warfare. They were just the beginning.
Argh. My favorite video on pinkwashing was taken down. The others on youtube don't meet the bar. Do you have suggestions for teachable pinkwashing videos?
So close to having a woman in the department. So close.
Reposted byAvatar Jan Brunson
Woke up to the sounds of a crop duster spraying poison on corn fields from the sky and a tractor spraying poison on a pecan orchard from the ground
Messi is looking quite tan. Miami must be treating him well.
April Fool's Day doesn't count. On this day, I will be fooled again and again. And again.
fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. doesn't usually happen twice.
Why, yes. Did not realize Santa Fe was at 7,200 ft! Thanks, hotel literature, for educating people like me who were totally not paying attention.
On a tiny flight to Santa Fe full of anthropologists. Reminded of the joke I heard a grad student make years ago that if the plane crashed, the job market would be a lot less bleak 🙃
Reposted byAvatar Jan Brunson
Anthropology gets a mention in the new Dune movie! 😎
After spending 10 years mastering Sakai, my university is changing its LMS. I'm confident this will be a smooth and effortless transition. No, I've never heard of Brightspace. I'm sure it will be fine.
10 is doing independent research on Sagarmatha, and once he found out I never made it to Everest Base Camp he’s been heckling me ever since 😂 I’m like, look kid, we share dna. Let’s see how you do at altitude 😉
fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. doesn't usually happen twice.
Reposted byAvatar Jan Brunson
That is - lots of folks w uteruses start getting weird autoimmune symptoms, flares, diagnoses in their 40s right when perimenopause is starting. And those diseases sometimes have post-viral origins (like EBV--> MS).
Just donated to Our Bodies Ourselves Today, in memory of Adele Clark, and noticed they have an abridged and adapted version in Nepali from 2008. Can't wait to explore
Women’s Rehabilitation Center - Our Bodies Ourselves Todaywww.ourbodiesourselves.org
My undergrad anthropology + women's gender sexuality studies course, Sex & Gender, spends 5 entire weeks on the biology of why a binary definition of sex is, in fact, a cultural construct.
Feast to the rescue. One of Mānoa's gems.
10+ hours of camera-on Zoom meetings this week. My body is a wreck 🫠
tfw you notice one of your students has a serious case of entitlement, and then discover he's beyond famous across tiktok, youtube, and insta. OK, then. we'll see if i end up as material by the end of the semester 😆
my Christmas tree is still up. it's been a little busy lately.
Despite pleas to include U of Hawai‘i faculty, students & staff, as well as community members, on the selection committee that will choose the next UH system president, the UH Board of Regents opted to stick w a committee composed exclusively of 11 Regents #AcademicSky
Regents keep exclusive say in search for new UH presidentwww.staradvertiser.com Despite many testifiers’ pleas to include University of Hawaii faculty, students and staff as well as community members on the selection committee that will choose the next UH system president, the ...
Sun is up now
Dawn on the NS on Christmas Eve. It’s become a family tradition ❤️
Dawn on the NS on Christmas Eve. It’s become a family tradition ❤️
My son insisted that our Springer Spaniel be on our holiday card, but he is impossible to photograph! So we had to have an impromptu photo shoot. I worked hard for this 😂
10’s favorite Christmas song is Wham’s Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart. How did we get here?
i tried to wash my face with shampoo this morning. and how are you holding up?
It's been 4+ years since I gave an in-person final exam, and I had forgotten about the undergrad impulse to leave little messages at the end of the blue book 🥹 That, along with responses to my all-time favorite question of one idea from the course they will remember 10 years from now 🥰