Kate Clancy

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Kate Clancy


Feminist science professor at the University of Illinois. Obsessed with the uterus, even when it's being shitty. Author of PERIOD: The Real Story of Menstruation. Writing about pregnancy loss next. 🏳️‍🌈 www.kateclancy.com
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The US added 1.2Million EVs to the grid last year & electricity use dropped due to inc. efficiency. Grid stability will increase further when V2grid charging is deployed at scale. 🧪🔌💡https://cleantechnica.com/2024/02/02/the-us-added-1-2-million-evs-to-the-grid-last-year-electricity-use-went-down/
The US Added 1.2 Million EVs To The Grid Last Year, & Electricity Use Went Down - CleanTechnicacleantechnica.com With over 1 million new EVs plugging into garage outlets, home charging stations, and Superchargers, you’d think our electricity usage would have shot up dramatically. You’d be wrong.
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As people react to the horrible crime of someone getting pushed in front of a BART train, worth noting platform screen doors prevent this and are standard in subways around the world. BART decided against them because $24m was too expensive. www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/arti...
BART shelves costly plan for barrier to keep people off trackswww.sfchronicle.com The idea was complicated, but the need seemed clear: a see-through wall between the BART...
Reposted byAvatar Kate Clancy
“At least 14 people* have tested positive for COVID-19 as a result of 3 outbreaks in the main building of London's Parkwood Institute.” *Most of whom are between 80-90 years old There is no such thing as “mild symptoms” in people of this age group! www.cbc.ca/news/canada/...
Mild symptoms reported as 3 COVID-19 outbreaks declared at Parkwood Institute | CBC Newswww.cbc.ca At least 14 people have tested positive for COVID-19 as a result of three outbreaks at London's Parkwood Institute, with at least 11 cases involving the facility's veterans care program.
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As the daughter of a Black Vietnam vet who suffered life long pain from a service related injury but was constantly turned away from care by the VA I can’t even bring myself to read this. My father eventually died of a treatable condition at 62 b/c he was sent home to take ibuprofen by a VA doc.
A 2017 internal Veterans Affairs report shows Black veterans were more often denied benefits for PTSD than their white counterparts. The analysis crunched claims data from fiscal year 2011 through 2016. And disparate treatment started after WWI when it was still called shell shock. It continues.
Black veterans were denied VA benefits for PTSD more often than whiteswww.nbcnews.com “Ever since I came back from Vietnam, I knew that I had a problem, but I didn’t know what it was," said one Black veteran.
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we’re gonna have to waste time teaching kids this shit doesn’t work because silicon valley guys are too stupid to understand the sunk cost fallacy
Well this is grim
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Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
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Libro.fm is rad. 100 percent recommend. I have not looked back.
I want more folks to know about libro.fm as an alternative to Audible or Spotify or other shady corps. It’s 100% employee-owned and works like Audible, except your credits support an indie bookstore of your choosing instead of Amazon. Go listen to a disabled author for Disability Pride Month! 💙📚
Same audiobooks. Different story.libro.fm Libro.fm makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through local bookstores.
Same audiobooks. Different story.libro.fm Libro.fm makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through local bookstores.
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
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All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
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🚨My book is online!🚨 "Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice" This was a journey & labor of love to clarify what climate coloniality is & how to decolonize climate justice. Thanks to many for their support! Details below.🧵
Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justicewww.routledge.com This timely and urgent collection brings together cutting-edge interdisciplinary scholarship and ideas from around the world to present critical examinations of climate coloniality.   Confronting Clim...
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
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The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
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those arguing that taylor swift can't be a role model because she is an unmarried and childless woman at 34 are doing a great job of arguing that children need more women role models who are unmarried and childless at 34
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Reposted byAvatar Kate Clancy
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
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not for nothing but if i were in the biden admin, i’d ram a whole megaton of maximizing executive orders through while every reporter in america is fixated on biden old, since they’re clearly not going to cover anything else this week.
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Here's a book a disabled person wrote. You may not find it on the reading lists available to abled people who consider our liberation a theme of their monthly content. Its supernaturalism is deeply tied to my experiences in madness. You can support it from @knilirabaj.bsky.social 's bookstore here.
None But the Righteous a book by Chantal Jamesbookshop.org Lyrical, riveting, and haunting from its opening lines, None But the Righteous is an extraordinary debut that signals the arrival of an unforgettable new voice in contemporary fiction "[A] profound de...
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Terfs internalize that patriarchy is pervasive and brutal, and to be a women is to be subjected to it. Sans liberation work, they fall into self-loathing defensiveness about womanhood. Transwomen especially are suspect because who would voluntarily be a woman? Only someone sick and/or malicious.
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Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
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I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
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This is correct and too many of the very serious people agreeing with it are still fucking doing it
A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
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One thing that’s helpful to keep in mind here, imo, is that these days it’s not really clear just what an editorial board is for, and so as a result editorial boards at big papers are constantly engaged in the project of justifying their own relevance
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Part of the reason I gave up on the NYT is that they clearly have had it out for Biden for ages. And they’ve basically admitted it.
This is absolutely nuts, IMO. A NY Times subscriber opens their app this morning to see nothing but complete panic about Biden. "He can't govern! We're doomed!" HOW IS THIS HELPING?! It's almost July, he's running. That discussion is long over.
Haha got two immediate unsubscribes after this, I'm guessing because this newsletter mentions the Palestinian genocide.
Believe it or not I've finally written a newsletter. While I was away my subscriber list doubled? Maybe you should sign up! This week I talk about what we're talking about when we call something "complicated" - in this case when we are talking about covid & stillbirth. 🧪 #WomenInSTEM #QueerInSTEM
Period 36: It's complicatedbuttondown.email So it’s been a while – between activism, parenting, book writing, and professoring it’s been hard to prioritize the newsletter. Here and on Bluesky, I feel...
Believe it or not I've finally written a newsletter. While I was away my subscriber list doubled? Maybe you should sign up! This week I talk about what we're talking about when we call something "complicated" - in this case when we are talking about covid & stillbirth. 🧪 #WomenInSTEM #QueerInSTEM
Period 36: It's complicatedbuttondown.email So it’s been a while – between activism, parenting, book writing, and professoring it’s been hard to prioritize the newsletter. Here and on Bluesky, I feel...
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Something that's starting to really annoy me is headlines claiming that AI is "doing" things, like denying people healthcare or detaining sex workers at the border. No, people are still doing that, they're just using AI specifically to avoid being blamed for it