
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
This could help me overcome my fear of the Mariana Trench
I'm wondering how much a fear of the Mariana Trench would affect your daily life, and also how you discovered such a fear in the first place?
Well, it all started with curiosity. I read about it and have been scared of its depth since. It's like if you think about the vastness of space for too long. Also, I'm insane.
This is going to give me an anxiety attack. Just like the Mariana Trench does.
I was in a submarine that plonked next to a trench in Grand Cayman and it was as terrifying as you imagine- unfathomable black murky abyss. Really hard for my brain not to believe we wouldn’t fall in but of course it’s water not air and we were in a submarine.
I have a primal nightmare fear of deep dark water that goes back to childhood swimming lessons, which were…[Gary Oldman as Old Dracula voice] not entirely successful. I did a painting of it once that I liked: deep black with a faint whirlpool, irregular ripples of dark blue and hints of gray.
i also do not like to think about the huge empty spaces
For me it was seeing pictures like of that boat floating above the very deep round thing, and my brain doing a full-body Nope.
I've wondered about this. I have always isolated, and enjoy being in the middle of Nature in places I might be the only person for miles. How would I feel being cut of from all things Human? Can I have all the books/music/TV/YouTube? I might be OK.
It sounds like more of an existential fear. Not fear of something that could happen, but fear of the idea of an inescapable void.