Jason Parton

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Jason Parton


Cat dad, movie buff, drinking man with a guitar problem, good at video games, a voice and a face for radio.

Hey, I do that song too! Yours is better.
I wish I could remember who posted this way back when on Twitter. I believe it was Burgess's granddaughter? Anyway. It's a 100% real picture, I 100% love it, and I 100% want a framed print of this hanging on my wall.
Vance is kind of like DeSantis if he had a teaspoon of charisma. Not a teaspoon more. A teaspoon total.
Reposted byAvatar Jason Parton
I've heard Trump likes his beard. That's probably the only reason.
This weekends used book haul. Pretty sure I already have Jaws, but I'll risk the $1 if I'm wrong.
I appreciate that it's got the design of the Lynch version. Which to date, is still the best version if you want to see it and not read it I say.
And God so loved his very special boy rapist and convicted fellon son that he sent an angel down to redirect the path of the bullet away from the special boy and into a retired firefighter instead instead of, oh I don't know, up into the sky.
Gee, Jake, maybe the media should be showing a little backbone to the dude that was giving orders to an organized attack on the capital instead of just saying "Trump says he won. We don't think that's true."
I'm sure that there's some 2nd Amendment Truther out there trying to sue every Target in the nation for banning guns in their stores cause America.
If only someone could have seen that this was a possibility and that we need to have better gun laws and maybe giving everyone open carry nationwide is a stupid idea cause shit like this is bound to frequently because 50% of the population is scared that "the others" are coming for their whiteness.
Not being serious here, but if the assassin was doing this on official Presidental orders it would totally be fine. The Supreme Court said so. Like many things that happen in right wing courts, they didn't think this through.
Obviously no one wants things like this to become more regular. I'm now afraid what some maga nut job might try to do to Joe and his family because of this. Also the shock and outrage from the people that have been promoting this kind of thing for 5 years now really pisses me off.
I don't know what the big deal about the shooting is. The GOP has been going out of their way for decades to make stuff like that not only easier to do, but legal to do. You'd think they'd be all for it. Thoughts and prayers I guess.
Didn't the Supreme Court just rule something something about making guns more lethal a couple weeks ago?
Kind of funny. Funny but too soon.
The only way Trump can guarantee his safety from any potential future attacks is to drop out and go into hiding for at least 20 years. That's what I'd do if I were him anyway.
Closest I ever got to such a thing was maybe 18 years ago. I did a cover of a tiny little indie bands song. The singer saw it and commented that he liked the way I played it more than the way he did. He said he was going to play it my way from then on.
I think a lot of it has to do with the artist. I put up some stuff and it's totally fine. Other stuff, like I said, copyright jail immediately.
Alright... I've got a gig tonight. Outside. In the sun. For 3 hours. Current temp is 98 degrees. If I don't come back, the money is under a
Happy Warrior Joe is a good Joe. Mad As Hell Joe is also a good Joe.
Will the real Axe=Battler please stand up.
That's my position. Not the botox thing, I don't care about that. But if he's the guy, I got him. If he's not the guy, I got whoever. And I do realize that voting for Joe at this point is also very likely voting for Kamala. I'm cool with that. That's how it works.
Never thought there'd come a day when I'd say "Goldman Sachs is right."
Between the two of us we might be able to come up with that outfit.