
Incredible to assert something like this for which there is no evidence, and for which in fact there is strong evidence that you’re wrong, and you include said evidence *in the same fucking sentence*
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
"Surely, although Lucy has snatched away the football all previous times, doing it THIS time would be a bridge too far."
At the same time — and yes, I know how hard they struck my left cheek— I doubt that even this court will strike my right cheek
"Oh, they threw out this decades long precedent, but surely they won't touch this more recent legal issue."
I like that WaPo provides so many jobs for people who got kicked in the head by horses as children, but I wish they didn’t give them editorial roles.
This entire mindset appears to be prevalent in the press and Democratic federal office holders and really is a major reason our country is in so much trouble. The Republicans got where they are because they all don’t really take the threat seriously
I have no doubt in my mind marriage equality is next on their bucket list.
It's birth control. The inversion of the economy is time sensitive, we need babies being born to people who don't want to be mothers ASAP. Marriage equality is a class war issue, we can give that a year or two as long as we keep money flowing the right direction.
But last week overpopulation was the problem. Oh….wrong color. My bad.
30 years ago "population explosion" was an issue, but that pretty much ended once people realized China's "1 child" policy was wildly successful and we didn't have to worry about losing wars by sheer numbers. (really mostly just about China, tbh)
Again, this is just your typical, run of the mill race replacement theory.
Oh, I didn't realize. We were worried about overpopulation in 2023? Has someone told Elon? Wild, nobody seems to have considered making motherhood affordable... or anything other than a life ruining catastrophe... Have we tried that? I bet that would work pretty well...🧐
Look, if you're not able to do this, you'll never make the big bucks.
Journalists can suffer from something that presents with similar symptoms to lawyer brain.