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Gender Nomad
IRC made me gay
Backend (Go) @ Bsky
Does musical things and computer things
26. they/them 🏳️‍⚧️
BSky Stats- https://bsky.jazco.dev/stats
activity still holding pretty steady at 75 likes/reposts/posts per second will probably trickle off over the next 3-4 hours as people who aren't always online check the news
Surge in network activity in response to breaking news Post/Repost/Like volume up 50% from just minutes prior (50/sec -> 75/sec)
Surge in network activity in response to breaking news Post/Repost/Like volume up 50% from just minutes prior (50/sec -> 75/sec)
ah fuck im unoriginal even on this here webbed site
Here's a little look at my past year of Github activity to commemorate the anniversary too. That period from end of December through January is when I was working on the AppView V2 and Dataplane which are the backbone of every read-request on the Bluesky app.
One year ago today I joined the Bluesky team It's been an exciting, fun journey so far and I've learned a ton I've never worked as hard in my life as I do here and I really enjoy the challenges of building @scale, distributed social on a budget. Looking forward to what the next year has in store!
Here's what activity on a social network looks like during a US Presidential Debate Posts: 10/sec -> 13/sec (+30%) Likes: 36/sec -> 52/sec (+44%) Language-wise, posts in the past 6 hrs are 55% English vs 39% recently I'll keep an eye on the charts to see if it gets more interesting
@jaz.bsky.social can you post network activity graphs as this debate happens? lol. Posts but also likes / replies. Afaik that data dog panel isn't public.
HLS streaming is pretty neat Basically you start with a Playlist file that is just plaintext, describes multiple additional playlist files based on supported resolutions. Each of those resolution-specific files just contain a bunch of references to tiny, few-second .ts segment video files.
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset Tef's photo reminds me of one of my favorite sunset photos I shot in Tiburon a couple years ago
The Macintosh Plus Pro Max @nanoraptor.danamania.com someone made one of your art pieces real (Spotted at OpenSauce in SF this weekend)
Don't tell HackerNews but my new feature serves millions of users with p99s of around 400 microseconds The new feature is Social Proof, coming soon (people you follow who also follow N, etc.) Also if you want to know how I built this, I blogged about a bit of it here - jazco.dev/2024/04/20/r...
this makes no sense. it's the wrong tool for the job. you want to be using a sparse adjacency matrix to store your data, and then operate on it. will be orders of magnitude faster than this.
New friends have arrived! Big increase in posts created in Indonesian and Tagalog. Also a big swell in new accounts created and new follows created on the firehose! (Now back to my weekend, hope y'all have a good one!)
Actually maybe a little one, it's only visible up close though not on like a 24 hour window.
new friend for #synthsky just came up for air after my initial goofing around an an hour passed without me noticing it's really fun, has a really good Rhodes piano sound as well as a Wurlitzer that feels super genuine, definitely better w/ headphones and/or proper sidechain Yamaha Reface-CP
Here's a bit of a a big one going back over the past 6 months of alt-text usage on the network. Pre-launch we were floating around 24-25%, then on launch day we dropped down to 10% (lowest I've seen) We bounced back after that and have slowly got back to 21-22% alt-text usage.
So uh, did something happen? (Check out the Bluesky Firehose traffic , that's a >2x jump lmao)
This one shows just likes, posts, and reposts being created, to give y'all a bit more context.
Still goin strong 20 minutes in, keep it up y'all
Slow comedown rolling along, still ~135 posts/likes/reposts per second coming through though, wonder if this will last a few hours. My stats page will look interesting tomorrow... Might adjust the default range so the spike is easier to see compared to a normal day.
One hour in and still going strong
So far ~63k users have configured DMs on Bluesky ~36.5k people stayed with Follows Only (the default) ~24.5k people enabled DMs from anyone ~2k people disabled DMs entirely It's always interesting to see the distribution on things like this cause we have no idea which way it'll go beforehand.
Had the best Tonkatsu of my life today, Japan is going well so far. Hid from the sun at Small Worlds which was awesome in the afternoon too, spent like 3-4 hours there ez.
backfilling a fresh Relay instance today and watching it eat up ~60 CPU seconds per second on the host and 50GB of RAM while catching up on the network... 95% of this CPU usage is the Go Garbage Collector... The actual active memory usage is also only 10GB. Wish someone would write a Relay in Rust
it's okay, you've saved us now
Osha solved this
Okay I made a diagram for this cause I realize it's a bit convoluted.
some excellent bridge weather in the bay today finally got to go outside again and get away from the computer for a little bit nature is really pretty... ...so is old, big infrastructure sometimes
There are 192 accounts with >5k followers and <20 posts. Most of them appear to be notable figures i.e. Stephen King, Levar Burton, Monica Lewinsky, Arnold Schwarzenegger Others appear to be notable online personas and/or Japanese artists. Here's a graph of # of Followers vs Post Count
oof, yead that's rough i played NewWorld for a solid month when it first came out a ton but it also fell off pretty quick i think it's really hard to compete to become someone's go-to MMO for their free time these days
This is just absurd lol... 65k req/sec My 16 core desktop is at 80% CPU utilization just trying to put load on the rust impl of graphD right now and is using just about as much RAM to do that as graphD is to serve the requests... graphD is consuming ~7 cores to keep up w/ a p99 latency of ~425us
I really don't think I'm gonna get the perf of a Go version of this anywhere near the rust performance... Also any optimizations I make to the Go version just end up making the rust version even better by comparison once i apply them! The rust version is pulling upward of 65k req/sec now god damn!
I have defeated SQLite and ascended to the throne of the gods (We had a query against SQLite that got bad like a month ago cause our SQLite DBs got too big and it stopped using indices so I ended up rewriting one query into two queries that force SQLite to use the index we want.)
So like this is the DashMap ".get()" hint vs Hashbrown's ".get()" hint The DashMap hint is basically impenetrable to me tbh and I have no idea what that return type is I've also got no idea what the Q thing is in either of these, but the one on the right is at least somewhat legible.