
FYI if your following feed hasn't been showing a lot of stuff lately, check if you follow You may have replies under N likes filtered out of your following feed but the bot posts so much it basically fills your whole feed and then gets filtered out. (Flashbacks to Jazbot)
i always forget following is a menu item when looking at labelers
So to fix it, I have to unfollow TTRPG or can I switch around settings? Sorry, I’m a bit confused.
The best way to solve it would be to unfollow TTRPG (I don't think you have to follow it to interact with it iirc)
Ok, I get it, lol. I’m still subscribed to the account and still have it liked but I can unfollow the account and that fixes the problem but I can still use the labeler? I like TTRPG but do like my followers feed and my tired little brain is in a brain sweat with what to do, lol.
Yeah you can still use it without having to follow it. Labelers can be "liked" and "subscribed" to without having to follow them.