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Californian, liberal af, owned by a blue eyed cat, news junkie, spoonie, ā¤ļøfiber & glass arts, beads, finding sparklies, & old buried treasure. #BidenHarris2024 #SlavaUkrainii #FAFO
Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
If you're wondering why Bluesky uses "AI" as part of its content moderation, this thread is a useful one.
Image classifiers detect the worst content that needs to be gone (and humans then review the content given the labels in the most severe categories to see the context it was posted in and whether it needs to be removed entirely). But they also can't tell context.
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Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
Anyone else really love Gazania? šŸŒ± for some reason to me itā€™s like if an owl was a flower
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"The rules say you can't change the Supreme Court without the Supreme Court's permission" well first of all the rules don't say that. Second of all it doesn't matter they already ripped up the fucking rulebook and wiped their asses with it and you're over here trying to unsmear the shit off of it
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Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
Folks in Reno please be on the lookout, this poor lady lost all three of her beloved cats when her vindictive ex surrendered them (w/o proper proof of ownership) behind her back. Link below.
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Reforming this court is imperative. Ethics rules and term limits alone cannot fully restore balance and independence to #SCOTUS. But todayā€™s announcement is a watershed moment in the fight to take back the court. Our stmt from @liptonlubet.bsky.social:
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Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! Itā€™s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head. www.patreon.com/posts/108254...
Iā€™m actually still very angry about this and Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m going to deal with it, but absolutely none of my coping strategies will include bullying white marginalized people because Iā€™m actually interested in progress
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
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I'm getting fed up with people who are already giving up IN JULY
every day I feel like I'm losing my mind as people look at a statistically tied race where one guy is a felon with deeply unpopular positions who ALREADY LOST THIS EXACT RACE and are like "he is 100% for sure going to win"
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tomohase: Suzuka Forest Garden with plum blossoms.
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Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
Tesla's CEO pledged almost $200 million to the candidate who wants to end the EV tax credit, lift gas mileage restrictions, end subsidies for electric charging infrastructure, and penalize EV owners. Because it's not about EVs or saving the planet. It's about his personal power.
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Iā€™m just really over people calling COVID conscious/cautious people doomers.
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Hereā€™s the way I see it: If Senator Bob Menendez can be convicted of accepting hundreds of thousands in bribes, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas can be convicted of accepting hundreds of thousands in bribes. ā€” Letā€™s fucking go already, this isnā€™t rocket science.
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Spiers filed this essay a week before that but does not regret one word of it.
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Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
I think one of the most infuriating things to me is how well our enemies can overcome their disdain for each other to work toward our destruction while we seem to be obsessed with dividing our communities even in the face of existential threats.
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The free resource that DEMOCRACY FORWARD offers features a downloadable file explaining entire Project 2025 horror- Very difficult to find link in searches- so please keep this handy. Share. Noone else offering free guide democracyforward.org DEMOCRACY FORWARD free!šŸ’™šŸ’„
Democracy Forward - We go to court for democracydemocracyforward.org Democracy depends on a government that works for all people. We fight vigorously in court against abuses of power and attempts to undermine a government that works for people who need it most.
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idk i feel like expecting everyone to have an opinion on every horrible thing happening is how we get into a very big mess of people who cannot possibly have all the info saying wrong things very loudly and influencing more people to be loud and wrong
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Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
ā€œIn the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6ā€ is ā€œwhen you say itā€™s wrong that I hit you, youā€™re tearing this family apartā€ on a national scale.
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Secret Service arrested a Florida man yesterday for threatening Joe Biden's life on Twitter. He was earlier interviewed by USSS for telling staff at a mental-health facility where he was a patient that he wanted to "slit [Biden's] throat" (via Seamus Hughes) storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
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It's like everyone forgot Dobbs in the last month. I know a lot of pundits don't think it's still a big deal. I vehemently disagree.
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Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: youā€™re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
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There's a lot of terrible news, but tonight I helped run an event that raised over $50,000 for grassroots organizations doing GOTV work and building progressive power, especially among youth and people of color, so that helps! (check out movement.vote, they give me hope)
Movement Voter Projectmovement.vote MVP funds progressive local organizing to win elections and transform policy.
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Yet more reasons why "but Europe regulates Big Tech!!" is a terrible argument. Elon is a dipshit and Twitter is a cesspool, but the EU's DSA is a fundamentally illiberal setup that hands entirely too much power to unaccountable actors that abuse it in a user-hostile manner.
In case you missed the dick-swinging (that's a legal term) going on between Elon Musk and Thierry Breton over on X, it's... possibly actually pretty important this time. They're posturing about DSA enforcement again. 1/
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If itā€™s not helpful to you, by all means ignore this, but Iā€™m just sayingā€¦ It really helps me to recenter myself to think ā€œOh right. The worst fucking people on the planet want me to feel like weā€™re doomed. Fuck those guys, actually.ā€
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This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
Pointing at the thermostat, the GOP screamed, ā€œwe must turn down the heat!ā€ after setting fire to the drapes and selling out of ā€œWe Plan on Burning It All Downā€ tube tops and beer koozies
Reposted byAvatar JanašŸŒ»
Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace