
Frustrating how these statements never take the logical next step and call for a constitutional overhaul. I feel like that would be better than hoping the right guy wins forever!
I'm still waiting for Reconstruction 2: This time it's political! It always needed a sequel
The problem with that is exactly why we've been having so many problems for decades now—it's really difficult (by design) to make those sorts of sweeping changes, and without the Democrats holding a supermajority, it's virtually impossible to get almost any of the really impactful changes made.
The USA is a criminal protection racket. Always has been. Selective vision changes nothing.
Did you mean "rein in Presidents", or "reigning President"
Oh wow. Combine that with the two-step Senator McConnell put in (no we won't impeach but he is subject to the law) and there's a real webbing of a straitjacket they've put us all in.
Alt text: To a huge degree, our system of government relies on norms. Our constitution is VERY brief. DJT showed how easy it was to topple norms. SCOTUS just declared that we're supposed to trust to "norms" to reign in presidents. If they are of good character, all will be fine. 1/2
Alt text: I prefer the rule of law and democracy. 2/2
Unfortunately laws require norms too, as they do not enforce themselves.
I was happy to vote for Biden, because he was not Trump. But the ONE thing I really, really, REALLY was hoping he'd be able to do during his term—beyond anything else—was to convert all these "that's just the way it's always been done" and "expected protocols" in government into ACTUAL LAWS.
You know, for everything wrong with the Founding Fathers, at least (some of them) understood that government is inherently corrupt and you can't just rely on "good character" in leaders to protect you from tyranny
So the Supreme Court just normalized impeachment as a way to deal with autocrats. DNC should focus on all Senate seats that can be flipped blue.
do you have your id ready when ever you buy medicine or alcohol? the law requires everyone to show ID but some people think it's the norm for only "young" people to be carded, not them. Sorry but a lot of people say this until they think the norms should be on their side. bugs me.
The law doesn't require everyone to show ID to buy alcohol. If it does, that's a state level law. Technically no one has to show ID, but you can't serve to under 21, so an ID is one of the ways to be sure you are compliant.
This only applies to the US, of course. I don't know the laws for anywhere else.
if you don't show ID the bartender or the clerk can refuse service, they need to be satisfied that you won't cause them to lose their job. I worked for both a bar and a grocer, the rule was you had to show ID. the only person who could make an exception was leadership, in the former not present.
to add, from how I understand the law, if someone manages to fake their way thru with either an expired or fraudulently used ID the Bartender can not only lose their job but be arrested, and in the case of grocery I have seen coworkers escorted out over a carding check.
Sorry but I feel that the safety of the worker is more important then some imagined ideal of not showing ID. We are not cops, we cannot make exceptions, we're not allowed. If you don't like it, change the regulations that put our lives and livelyhood at risk for someone else's drink.
My point was that it isn't a law, it's just a norm. So it isn't a great example of your point.
I think US (the greatest constitution ever!) is the only people that didn't see it though. It is well marketed. And that's a red flag.